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[OFBiz] Users - WorldPay/PayPal

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[OFBiz] Users - WorldPay/PayPal

Charles Johnson-2
70 posts

Are there standard ways in OfBiz to process payments via OfBiz  services
in conjunction with people like PayPal or WorldPay?

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Re: [OFBiz] Users - WorldPay/PayPal

Ian Gilbert
59 posts
Hi Charles,

Yes.  We have been using Worldpay for a couple of years now and have only
recently stopped using it.  Check out
and then let me know if you are still having problems.  I may/may not be
able to help but I'm sure that someone on this list can assist.  We found
them ok but had problems when they changed their settings (occasionally).

Very best wishes

Ian Gilbert

On Wed, November 16, 2005 10:52 am, Charles Johnson wrote:

> Are there standard ways in OfBiz to process payments via OfBiz  services
> in conjunction with people like PayPal or WorldPay?
> CJ
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Re: [OFBiz] Users - WorldPay/PayPal

Charles Johnson-2
70 posts
Thanks Ian - what do you do now about payment processing then if i may ask?

I'll be in that chat sardine can that's #ofbiz on irc.freenode.net for a
few minutes if you'd care to join me. Please /msg me or i may miss you
in the stampede ;-)


Ian Gilbert wrote:

>Hi Charles,
>Yes.  We have been using Worldpay for a couple of years now and have only
>recently stopped using it.  Check out
>and then let me know if you are still having problems.  I may/may not be
>able to help but I'm sure that someone on this list can assist.  We found
>them ok but had problems when they changed their settings (occasionally).
>Very best wishes
>Ian Gilbert
>On Wed, November 16, 2005 10:52 am, Charles Johnson wrote:
>>Are there standard ways in OfBiz to process payments via OfBiz  services
>>in conjunction with people like PayPal or WorldPay?
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Re: [OFBiz] Users - WorldPay/PayPal

Ian Gilbert
59 posts
Sure thing.  Have logged in now.

We use manual processing now.  We've not had high volumes and we found
that having a credit card reader plus a credit card account was just too
expensive and it adds only slight overhead for us to do it manually (plus
we could use our internet orders to train sales staff in the shop on using
the card reader).

We are currently re-evaluating our business model and hopefully this will
result in an increase of business and then we may re-instate this.  Not
sure which payment provider I'd use atm though.

Best wishes


On Wed, November 16, 2005 11:19 am, Charles Johnson wrote:

> Thanks Ian - what do you do now about payment processing then if i may
> ask?
> I'll be in that chat sardine can that's #ofbiz on irc.freenode.net for a
> few minutes if you'd care to join me. Please /msg me or i may miss you in
> the stampede ;-)
> CJ
> Ian Gilbert wrote:
>> Hi Charles,
>> Yes.  We have been using Worldpay for a couple of years now and have
>> only recently stopped using it.  Check out
>> http://ofbizwiki1.go-integral.com/Wiki.jsp?page=HowToSetupPaymentProces
>> sing and then let me know if you are still having problems.  I may/may
>> not be able to help but I'm sure that someone on this list can assist.
>> We found
>> them ok but had problems when they changed their settings
>> (occasionally).
>> Very best wishes
>> Ian Gilbert
>> On Wed, November 16, 2005 10:52 am, Charles Johnson wrote:
>>> Are there standard ways in OfBiz to process payments via OfBiz
>>> services in conjunction with people like PayPal or WorldPay?
>>> CJ
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Re: [OFBiz] Users - WorldPay/PayPal

Andrew Sykes
619 posts
Charles, Ian,

We too use WP, one problem with them is the fact that they only send a
single notification of payment, if the system misses it for whatever
reason your workflow isn't updated.

PP has a different approach, when they notify you, you have to actually
send a thankyou, so you don't miss notifications.

Kind Regards
Andrew Sykes <[hidden email]>
Sykes Development Ltd

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Re: [OFBiz] Users - WorldPay/PayPal

Charles Johnson-2
70 posts
Andrew, how transactionally safe is doing so, compared to 'normal'
ecommerce processing?

>>if the system misses it

In what way(s) have you seen this occur?


Andrew Sykes wrote:

>Charles, Ian,
>We too use WP, one problem with them is the fact that they only send a
>single notification of payment, if the system misses it for whatever
>reason your workflow isn't updated.
>PP has a different approach, when they notify you, you have to actually
>send a thankyou, so you don't miss notifications.
>Kind Regards
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Re: [OFBiz] Users - WorldPay/PayPal

Andrew Sykes
619 posts

Well, as you are simply bouncing the user to worldpay to do all the
secure stuff and then getting notification back from them as to the
success or failure, you actually absolve yourself of a lot of the
security work you'd have to do otherwise.

In terms of the conditions where the system misses WP's notification,
I'm not entirely sure, I guess things such as the connectivity between
WP and your server being down, or your server restarting and such like.

I haven't investigated this in any great detail as this is happening on
an OFBiz2.1 system, so I kind of figure it's wasted energy looking into
it in any great detail.

I'd be interested to hear what people are using instead of WP, because
they are a bit of a pain to work with. Their reporting etc is very
difficult to use to predict what you are actually going to receive in
any given payment cycle (particularly with respect to chargebacks). I
once spent over an hour on the phone to them while they tried to explain
it, in the end the person I spoke to just conceded that it was rather
hard to understand and we finished our conversation with me as baffled
as I'd started.

Kind Regards
Andrew Sykes <[hidden email]>
Sykes Development Ltd

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Re: [OFBiz] Users - WorldPay/PayPal

Charles Johnson-2
70 posts
In terms of the conditions where the system misses WP's notification,
I'm not entirely sure, I guess things such as the connectivity between
WP and your server being down, or your server restarting and such like.


That sounds alarming, but i suppose persistent JMS could be used to take
care of that theoretically? At least if they support it ...


Andrew Sykes wrote:

>Well, as you are simply bouncing the user to worldpay to do all the
>secure stuff and then getting notification back from them as to the
>success or failure, you actually absolve yourself of a lot of the
>security work you'd have to do otherwise.
>In terms of the conditions where the system misses WP's notification,
>I'm not entirely sure, I guess things such as the connectivity between
>WP and your server being down, or your server restarting and such like.
>I haven't investigated this in any great detail as this is happening on
>an OFBiz2.1 system, so I kind of figure it's wasted energy looking into
>it in any great detail.
>I'd be interested to hear what people are using instead of WP, because
>they are a bit of a pain to work with. Their reporting etc is very
>difficult to use to predict what you are actually going to receive in
>any given payment cycle (particularly with respect to chargebacks). I
>once spent over an hour on the phone to them while they tried to explain
>it, in the end the person I spoke to just conceded that it was rather
>hard to understand and we finished our conversation with me as baffled
>as I'd started.
>Kind Regards
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