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[OFBiz] Users - caching of queries

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[OFBiz] Users - caching of queries

Helmut Eggebert

I have a question about the entity engine.  Does the entity engine cache
queries, and do updates to the OFBiz database from an outside source (EJBs
from another application, for example) ever cause the entity engine to
display data that is outdated because it is read from cache?

Thanks very much!

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Re: [OFBiz] Users - caching of queries

David E. Jones

The Entity Engine does not cache everything, it only uses the cache  
when the cached methods are called on the delegator, or in other  
words it is the code calling into the Entity Engine that decides what  
to cache.

These caches will auto-clear for all change operations going through  
the Entity Engine. As with all other caching mechanisms (including  
those in EJB servers) if an outside program makes changes in the  
database the cache will be stale.

If this is the case, you can still use the cache and set a timeout  
that is tolerable for you, like a half hour for product information  
or something, or just set a minimal timeout to effectively disable  
the cache...

Another option is to have your other program send cache clear calls  
to the OFBiz cache manager for more granular clearing to avoid  
performance problems...


On Oct 24, 2005, at 10:08 AM, Helmut Eggebert wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a question about the entity engine.  Does the entity engine  
> cache queries, and do updates to the OFBiz database from an outside  
> source (EJBs from another application, for example) ever cause the  
> entity engine to display data that is outdated because it is read  
> from cache?
> Thanks very much!
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