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[OFBiz] Users - newbieQ: OFBiz (3.0.0) install confusion and other questions...

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[OFBiz] Users - newbieQ: OFBiz (3.0.0) install confusion and other questions...

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Please forgive any FAQs, I am on a very steep curve just now!

For evaluation I am attempting to install OFBiz 3.0.0 (from tar not SVC)
following the pdf production setup guide. But...

1. The guide recommends installing a demo enterprise but there doesnt
seem to be any "-install" option (or build.xml target) to pre-load it.
Has this been lost along the way or what? (Looked in Start.java - no
sign there either)

2. On first run OFBiz connected to mySQL and created a zillion tables
(good) but further runs report the following:-

18477[       DatabaseUtil.java:708:INFO ] Getting Table Info From
18787[       DatabaseUtil.java:730:ERROR] Unable to get list of table
information, let's try the create anyway... Error
was:java.sql.SQLException: Incorrect database name ''
18817[       DatabaseUtil.java:272:WARN ] Entity "AcctgTrans" has no
table in the database
18877[       DatabaseUtil.java:280:ERROR] Could not create table
"ofbiz.ACCTG_TRANS": SQL Exception while executing the following:
CREATE TABLE ofbiz.ACCTG_TRANS ([... sql fields snipped ...])
Error was: java.sql.SQLException: Table 'acctg_trans' already exists

... repeats for many tables, then carries on ...

3. On handling first http request (Jetty seems to have loaded "by
default") it reports:-

309005[       ServerHitBin.java:620:WARN ] The datamodel data has not
been loaded; cannot find hitTypeId 'REQUEST not storing ServerHit.


Do I need to find some release notes?

Would I do better to pull a version using SVC?


(P.s. WinXP environment)
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Re: [OFBiz] Users - newbieQ: OFBiz (3.0.0) install confusion and other questions...

Andrew Sykes
619 posts

The production setup guide would definitly be a lot more use to you if
you checked out from SVN...

You can use the following.
svn co http://svn.ofbiz.org/svn/ofbiz/trunk ofbiz

If you want to persevere with the 3.0.0 release, you will need to load
the seed data using the old method...
go to http://localhost:8080/webtools and follow the instructions.

A lot has changed since this release, so it may be a better idea to
switch now rather than spend time acquiring redundant knowledge.

Best of luck!
Andrew Sykes <[hidden email]>
Sykes Development Ltd

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Re: [OFBiz] Users - newbieQ: OFBiz (3.0.0) install confusion and other questions...

Si Chen-2
1414 posts
Or you can try the sequoia stable release:


Andrew Sykes wrote:

>The production setup guide would definitly be a lot more use to you if
>you checked out from SVN...
>You can use the following.
>svn co http://svn.ofbiz.org/svn/ofbiz/trunk ofbiz
>If you want to persevere with the 3.0.0 release, you will need to load
>the seed data using the old method...
>go to http://localhost:8080/webtools and follow the instructions.
>A lot has changed since this release, so it may be a better idea to
>switch now rather than spend time acquiring redundant knowledge.
>Best of luck!
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