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[OFBiz] Users - please someone help me

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[OFBiz] Users - please someone help me

Hao Jiang-4
65 posts
As I asked before recently after updated to newly svn version, I
couldn't enter catalog manager, every time after clicked on the tab, I
got a SAXparse error, what could possibly wrong with it?

Also I couldn't set limited permission for a "party", I tried to assign
a person with "full order admin" permissions, but I couldn't get that
person login the order manager, always "not enough permission".

Could someone please help me?



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Re: [OFBiz] Users - please someone help me

David E. Jones
1146 posts

Just like before, you'll have to send more detail about this, perhaps  
the stack trace you are seeing. This is not happening, that I can  
reproduce anyway, with fresh OFBiz from SVN. I'm also not aware of  
anyone else seeing this problem, but if anyone is please throw out a  

You might have out of date seed data, or more likely if it is an XML  
parse error then you probably have some modified XML files.


On Sep 16, 2005, at 12:00 PM, Hao Jiang wrote:

> As I asked before recently after updated to newly svn version, I
> couldn't enter catalog manager, every time after clicked on the tab, I
> got a SAXparse error, what could possibly wrong with it?
> Also I couldn't set limited permission for a "party", I tried to  
> assign
> a person with "full order admin" permissions, but I couldn't get that
> person login the order manager, always "not enough permission".
> Could someone please help me?
> Thanks
> Hao
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Re: [OFBiz] Users - please someone help me

Hao Jiang-4
65 posts
Thanks David, you're right a fresh ofbiz from svn doesn't have these
problems, but since I've already done some works on it, I don't want to
start it from scratch again.

For the SAXparse problem, I know it most likely be a XML format error,
when it against to DTD, also I think this(these) xml file could be in
the directory of /ofbiz/applications/product/webapp/catalog, however

1. I don't remember I have modified anything over there
2. The weird thing is my existing codes work fine. I know little about
how svn update works, now I'm going to find how many files will be
modified during the update.

For the permission problem, I tired reloading seed date, but didn't
work. could you give me a hint on where I should look at?

BTW, I'm thinking to buy those PDF docs you provide, could you give me
some more details of what those docs are included?



On Fri, 2005-09-16 at 12:08 -0600, David E. Jones wrote:

> Just like before, you'll have to send more detail about this, perhaps  
> the stack trace you are seeing. This is not happening, that I can  
> reproduce anyway, with fresh OFBiz from SVN. I'm also not aware of  
> anyone else seeing this problem, but if anyone is please throw out a  
> note....
> You might have out of date seed data, or more likely if it is an XML  
> parse error then you probably have some modified XML files.
> -David
> On Sep 16, 2005, at 12:00 PM, Hao Jiang wrote:
> > As I asked before recently after updated to newly svn version, I
> > couldn't enter catalog manager, every time after clicked on the tab, I
> > got a SAXparse error, what could possibly wrong with it?
> >
> > Also I couldn't set limited permission for a "party", I tried to  
> > assign
> > a person with "full order admin" permissions, but I couldn't get that
> > person login the order manager, always "not enough permission".
> >
> > Could someone please help me?
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Hao
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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Re: [OFBiz] Users - please someone help me

David E. Jones
1146 posts


The easiest way to see what is locally modified is to do an SVN  
status ("svn st", or "svn status").

The online docs from Undersun are really end-user oriented. We have a  
technical writer working full-time on expanding these and keeping  
them up to date. The best way to get an intro to them is to take  
advantage of the one month discounted subscription for online access,  
which is just $4.95 (normally $29.95 per month, $299.95 per year).  
The PDF export is $89.95 and is updated periodically as different  
areas of the documentation effort are finished (the PDF export is  
priced higher because it is totally automated right now whereas the  
online memberships are).


On Sep 16, 2005, at 1:07 PM, Hao Jiang wrote:

> Thanks David, you're right a fresh ofbiz from svn doesn't have these
> problems, but since I've already done some works on it, I don't  
> want to
> start it from scratch again.
> For the SAXparse problem, I know it most likely be a XML format error,
> when it against to DTD, also I think this(these) xml file could be in
> the directory of /ofbiz/applications/product/webapp/catalog, however
> 1. I don't remember I have modified anything over there
> 2. The weird thing is my existing codes work fine. I know little about
> how svn update works, now I'm going to find how many files will be
> modified during the update.
> For the permission problem, I tired reloading seed date, but didn't
> work. could you give me a hint on where I should look at?
> BTW, I'm thinking to buy those PDF docs you provide, could you give me
> some more details of what those docs are included?
> Thanks
> Hao
> On Fri, 2005-09-16 at 12:08 -0600, David E. Jones wrote:
>> Just like before, you'll have to send more detail about this, perhaps
>> the stack trace you are seeing. This is not happening, that I can
>> reproduce anyway, with fresh OFBiz from SVN. I'm also not aware of
>> anyone else seeing this problem, but if anyone is please throw out a
>> note....
>> You might have out of date seed data, or more likely if it is an XML
>> parse error then you probably have some modified XML files.
>> -David
>> On Sep 16, 2005, at 12:00 PM, Hao Jiang wrote:
>>> As I asked before recently after updated to newly svn version, I
>>> couldn't enter catalog manager, every time after clicked on the  
>>> tab, I
>>> got a SAXparse error, what could possibly wrong with it?
>>> Also I couldn't set limited permission for a "party", I tried to
>>> assign
>>> a person with "full order admin" permissions, but I couldn't get  
>>> that
>>> person login the order manager, always "not enough permission".
>>> Could someone please help me?
>>> Thanks
>>> Hao
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