The Open For Business Project (OFBiz) is an open source enterprise automation software project. By open source enterprise automation we mean: Open Source ERP, Open Source CRM, Open Source E-Business / E-Commerce, Open Source SCM, Open Source MRP, Open Source CMMS/EAM, and so on. It is one of the few apps of this type to be developed by a community, rather than one corporation.

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Topics (192662)
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doogie-3 svn commit: r757086 [4/4] - in /ofbiz/trunk/applications/content/src: ./ org/ofbiz/content/ org/ofbiz/content/blog/ org/ofbiz/content/cms/ org/ofbiz/content/compdoc/ org/ofbiz/content/content/ org/ofbiz/content/data/ org/ofbiz/content/layout/ org/ofbiz... by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757086 [1/4] - in /ofbiz/trunk/applications/content/src: ./ org/ofbiz/content/ org/ofbiz/content/blog/ org/ofbiz/content/cms/ org/ofbiz/content/compdoc/ org/ofbiz/content/content/ org/ofbiz/content/data/ org/ofbiz/content/layout/ org/ofbiz... by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757085 - /ofbiz/trunk/applications/accounting/src/org/ofbiz/accounting/invoice/InvoiceWorker.java by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757082 - /ofbiz/trunk/framework/example/src/org/ofbiz/example/ExamplePrintServices.java by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757081 [2/2] - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/src/org/ofbiz/webtools: ./ artifactinfo/ labelmanager/ print/ by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757081 [1/2] - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/src/org/ofbiz/webtools: ./ artifactinfo/ labelmanager/ print/ by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757080 - /ofbiz/trunk/framework/appserver/src/org/ofbiz/appservers/GenerateContainer.java by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757079 - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/testtools/src/org/ofbiz/testtools: EntityXmlAssertTest.java JunitSuiteWrapper.java JythonTest.java ModelTestSuite.java SimpleMethodTest.java TestCaseBase.java TestListContainer.java TestRunContainer.java by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757078 [1/2] - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/common/src/org/ofbiz/common: ./ email/ geo/ image/ login/ olap/ period/ preferences/ status/ uom/ by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757078 [2/2] - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/common/src/org/ofbiz/common: ./ email/ geo/ image/ login/ olap/ period/ preferences/ status/ uom/ by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757077 [2/5] - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/widget/src/org/ofbiz/widget: ./ cache/ fo/ form/ html/ menu/ screen/ text/ tree/ xml/ by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757077 [5/5] - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/widget/src/org/ofbiz/widget: ./ cache/ fo/ form/ html/ menu/ screen/ text/ tree/ xml/ by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757077 [1/5] - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/widget/src/org/ofbiz/widget: ./ cache/ fo/ form/ html/ menu/ screen/ text/ tree/ xml/ by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757077 [3/5] - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/widget/src/org/ofbiz/widget: ./ cache/ fo/ form/ html/ menu/ screen/ text/ tree/ xml/ by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757077 [4/5] - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/widget/src/org/ofbiz/widget: ./ cache/ fo/ form/ html/ menu/ screen/ text/ tree/ xml/ by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757076 - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/guiapp/src/org/ofbiz/guiapp/xui: XuiContainer.java XuiSession.java by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757075 [2/3] - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/webapp/src/org/ofbiz/webapp: control/ event/ ftl/ pseudotag/ region/ stats/ taglib/ test/ view/ website/ xmlrpc/ by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757075 [1/3] - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/webapp/src/org/ofbiz/webapp: control/ event/ ftl/ pseudotag/ region/ stats/ taglib/ test/ view/ website/ xmlrpc/ by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757075 [3/3] - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/webapp/src/org/ofbiz/webapp: control/ event/ ftl/ pseudotag/ region/ stats/ taglib/ test/ view/ website/ xmlrpc/ by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757074 [1/3] - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/minilang/src/org/ofbiz/minilang: ./ method/ method/callops/ method/conditional/ method/entityops/ method/envops/ method/eventops/ method/ifops/ method/otherops/ method/serviceops/ operation/ by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757074 [3/3] - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/minilang/src/org/ofbiz/minilang: ./ method/ method/callops/ method/conditional/ method/entityops/ method/envops/ method/eventops/ method/ifops/ method/otherops/ method/serviceops/ operation/ by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757074 [2/3] - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/minilang/src/org/ofbiz/minilang: ./ method/ method/callops/ method/conditional/ method/entityops/ method/envops/ method/eventops/ method/ifops/ method/otherops/ method/serviceops/ operation/ by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757073 - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/datafile/src/org/ofbiz/datafile: DataFile.java DataFile2EntityXml.java DataFileException.java ModelDataFile.java ModelDataFileReader.java ModelField.java ModelRecord.java Record.java RecordIterator.java by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757072 - /ofbiz/trunk/framework/bi/src/org/ofbiz/bi/util/DimensionServices.java by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757071 - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/webslinger/src/org/ofbiz: commons/vfs/ commons/vfs/ofbiz/ webslinger/ by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757070 [1/2] - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/entityext/src/org/ofbiz/entityext: ./ cache/ data/ eca/ permission/ synchronization/ by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757070 [2/2] - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/entityext/src/org/ofbiz/entityext: ./ cache/ data/ eca/ permission/ synchronization/ by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757069 [1/3] - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/service/src/org/ofbiz/service: ./ calendar/ config/ eca/ engine/ group/ jms/ job/ mail/ rmi/ rmi/socket/ssl/ semaphore/ test/ by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757069 [3/3] - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/service/src/org/ofbiz/service: ./ calendar/ config/ eca/ engine/ group/ jms/ job/ mail/ rmi/ rmi/socket/ssl/ semaphore/ test/ by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757069 [2/3] - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/service/src/org/ofbiz/service: ./ calendar/ config/ eca/ engine/ group/ jms/ job/ mail/ rmi/ rmi/socket/ssl/ semaphore/ test/ by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757068 - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/security/src/org/ofbiz/security: OFBizSecurity.java Security.java SecurityConfigurationException.java SecurityFactory.java by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757067 - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/catalina/src/org/ofbiz/catalina/container: CatalinaContainer.java CrossSubdomainSessionValve.java OfbizStore.java SslAcceleratorValve.java by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757066 - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/geronimo/src/org/ofbiz/geronimo: GeronimoContainer.java GeronimoTransactionFactory.java by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757065 [4/4] - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/entity/src/org/ofbiz/entity: ./ cache/ condition/ config/ connection/ datasource/ eca/ finder/ jdbc/ model/ serialize/ test/ transaction/ util/ by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
doogie-3 svn commit: r757065 [1/4] - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/entity/src/org/ofbiz/entity: ./ cache/ condition/ config/ connection/ datasource/ eca/ finder/ jdbc/ model/ serialize/ test/ transaction/ util/ by doogie-3
doogie-3 by doogie-3
OFBiz - Commits
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