OfBiz 4.x and opentap

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OfBiz 4.x and opentap

abhishek jain-2
Hi friends,
Is there any book for ofbiz 9.x , i have found a book for ofbiz 4.x though.
Is there any major difference between the two.
Also what is the difference between ofbiz and opentaps.
Also i need to setup a customized ecommerce sol with multiple store, will
you advise me to modify the ecommerce module of ofbiz or setup / develop a
new one, and where can i find the feature list of Ofbiz and an official
manual or so.
Pl advice ,
Thanks and kind Regards,
Abhishek jain
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Re: OfBiz 4.x and opentap

BJ Freeman
some of your questions are answer from the main ofbiz page.
There is no book, as of yet, (Ruth?) on 9.04.
There is a Documentation link that will answer most of your questions.
As well as searching the Dev mailing list that discuses what is
happening or going to happen. there is also a whats new list you can
follow from the main page.
The basic difference is that opentaps has moved to a object instead of
entity oriented development. They have a lot of integration with 3rd
party the ofbiz does not support in their SVN.

are all the Ecommerce going to be owned by the same company?
if so they look at the ecomclone in the ecommerce/webapp folder.
if they are not then you need to look at the multitenacy that has just
been introduced in the trunk. It provides for separate data resources
for  each tenant.

BJ Freeman
Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation <http://www.businessesnetwork.com/automation/viewforum.php?f=93>
Specialtymarket.com <http://www.specialtymarket.com/>

Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist

Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man

abhishek jain sent the following on 4/19/2010 10:06 PM:
> Hi friends,
> Is there any book for ofbiz 9.x , i have found a book for ofbiz 4.x though.
> Is there any major difference between the two.
> Also what is the difference between ofbiz and opentaps.
> Also i need to setup a customized ecommerce sol with multiple store, will
> you advise me to modify the ecommerce module of ofbiz or setup / develop a
> new one, and where can i find the feature list of Ofbiz and an official
> manual or so.
> Pl advice ,

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Re: OfBiz 4.x and opentap

Ruth Hoffman-2
Hi BJ, Everyone:
The Ecommerce Book
(http://www.myofbiz.com/control/bookdetail?id=ECV01_OEGR4_09_20090) has
been updated for 9.04. I haven't had a chance to re-assemble all the
chapters into one PDF, but the individual chapters are pretty much done
- with 2 exceptions. I do post each chapter as I update it, so anyone
who buys the book will have access to the updates.
Find me on the web at http://www.myofbiz.com or Google keyword "myofbiz"
[hidden email]

BJ Freeman wrote:

> some of your questions are answer from the main ofbiz page.
> There is no book, as of yet, (Ruth?) on 9.04.
> There is a Documentation link that will answer most of your questions.
> As well as searching the Dev mailing list that discuses what is
> happening or going to happen. there is also a whats new list you can
> follow from the main page.
> The basic difference is that opentaps has moved to a object instead of
> entity oriented development. They have a lot of integration with 3rd
> party the ofbiz does not support in their SVN.
> are all the Ecommerce going to be owned by the same company?
> if so they look at the ecomclone in the ecommerce/webapp folder.
> if they are not then you need to look at the multitenacy that has just
> been introduced in the trunk. It provides for separate data resources
> for  each tenant.
> =========================
> BJ Freeman
> http://bjfreeman.elance.com
> Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation <http://www.businessesnetwork.com/automation/viewforum.php?f=93>
> Specialtymarket.com <http://www.specialtymarket.com/>
> Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist
> Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man
> Linkedin
> <http://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=1237480&locale=en_US&trk=tab_pro>
> abhishek jain sent the following on 4/19/2010 10:06 PM:
>> Hi friends,
>> Is there any book for ofbiz 9.x , i have found a book for ofbiz 4.x though.
>> Is there any major difference between the two.
>> Also what is the difference between ofbiz and opentaps.
>> Also i need to setup a customized ecommerce sol with multiple store, will
>> you advise me to modify the ecommerce module of ofbiz or setup / develop a
>> new one, and where can i find the feature list of Ofbiz and an official
>> manual or so.
>> Pl advice ,