@Ofbizurl and external module

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@Ofbizurl and external module

Simone Michele
Hi to all !
I'm a newbie to the ofbiz/opentaps world.
I'm developing a new module for my purpose, in this module i have  some
screen-widget  that include some  opentaps  ftl  macros  (like
viewprofile.ftl ) and some screens (like PaymentMethodScreens.xml).
<container style="subSectionBlock">
    <container style="form">
<container style="subSectionBlock" >            
    <container style="form" >  
        <include-screen name="listContactPaymentMethods"

All rendering fine, the problem is that all the link made by the @ofbiz
trasform in that ftl point to localhost:8080/MyApplication/.... instead
of localhost:8080/crmsfa/.... is there any way to set the ofbiz url
transforming context to make it pointing to the right place??
Tanks in advance,