I just heard that the schedule for ApacheCon US 2009 now officially
includes a one-day track for OFBiz. This will include five sessions
during the day. The day is organized with two sessions in the morning,
then lunch and the keynote, and then three sessions in the afternoon.
We may also have some evening sessions but I don't know about that yet.
If you are interested in presenting at the conference, could you send
me the following information for your presentation?
-session title
-speaker name(s)
-session description
-target audience
-preferred time of day
I have heard from a few people interested in presenting following
previous e-mails like this that I sent to the mailing list, and I will
be contacting those people separately. So far we have proposals for
three sessions, which leaves two openings. If there are to many
proposals for the spaces we have available I will work with the PMC to
Unfortunately, and I'm not sure why, there is a very short timeframe
to get the schedule put together. They would like to have a tentative
schedule by the middle of next week. What that means is that if you
are interested in presenting please contact me with the above
information right away!
For general information about the conference please see:
http://www.us.apachecon.com/c/acus2009/As mentioned there, the conference is taking place in Oakland
California on 2-6 November 2009. The OFBiz track will be taking place
on Friday, the 6th of November.
Please contact me if you have any questions about the OFBiz track...
and of course please send me a proposal for your presentation right
While this event won't be as big as the OFBiz symposium was last year
overall this is looking like it will be an exciting conference because
of the 10th anniversary of the Apache Software Foundation and other
things going on. For anyone who was able to attend I look forward to
seeing you there.