PO and Purchase Invoice

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PO and Purchase Invoice

Muhammad Aamir

Is there any way to relate Purchase invoice with Purchase order or Shipment

How can we know that payment of a particular shipment has been made or not?

While creating a purchase invoice why do we need to enter items and related
info (e.g. qty, amount price)? (shouldn't it be derived from shipment
receipt or PO e.g. and then we should have an option to modifly or add).

Thank you
Muhammad Aamir
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Re: PO and Purchase Invoice

BJ Freeman
Hash: SHA1

That is possible with the data structure.
don't know enough of the UI's to know if it is implemented at the user level

Muhammad Aamir sent the following on 3/21/2009 9:09 AM:

> Hi,
> Is there any way to relate Purchase invoice with Purchase order or Shipment
> receipt?
> How can we know that payment of a particular shipment has been made or not?
> While creating a purchase invoice why do we need to enter items and related
> info (e.g. qty, amount price)? (shouldn't it be derived from shipment
> receipt or PO e.g. and then we should have an option to modifly or add).
> Thank you
> Muhammad Aamir
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Re: PO and Purchase Invoice

Hi Muhammad

It sounds like you are manually creating Purchase Invoices for your Purchase Orders and I dont think you need to.

When a Purchase Order is received a 'Pro Forma' Purchase invoice is generated automatically in the accounting module 'Invoices' tab. It is based on the details of the Purchase Order and its status is defaulted to 'In Progress'. You then have the option to modify or add items to the invoice when the physical purchase invoice arrives from your supplier.

Why dont you have a go at doing the following test:

1. Create a Purchase Order
2. Approve the Purchase Order
3. Use the 'Quick receive PO' button in the Purchase Order to receive the shipment and complete the purchase order. (Note: This will receive and book into stock all the items on the Purchase Order)
4. A 'Pro Forma' Purchase Invoice should be automatically generated for your Purchase Order (you should be able to access it from the Purchase Order itself or in Accounting Manager / Invoices sub menu)

Hope this helps.

BJ Freeman wrote
Hash: SHA1

That is possible with the data structure.
don't know enough of the UI's to know if it is implemented at the user level

Muhammad Aamir sent the following on 3/21/2009 9:09 AM:
> Hi,
> Is there any way to relate Purchase invoice with Purchase order or Shipment
> receipt?
> How can we know that payment of a particular shipment has been made or not?
> While creating a purchase invoice why do we need to enter items and related
> info (e.g. qty, amount price)? (shouldn't it be derived from shipment
> receipt or PO e.g. and then we should have an option to modifly or add).
> Thank you
> Muhammad Aamir
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org

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Re: PO and Purchase Invoice

In reply to this post by Muhammad Aamir

You can use OrderItemBilling entity to link invoice with order.
There is also ShipmentItemBilling to link invoice to a shipment.

Don't know if it's waht you need.


Muhammad Aamir a écrit :

> Hi,
> Is there any way to relate Purchase invoice with Purchase order or Shipment
> receipt?
> How can we know that payment of a particular shipment has been made or not?
> While creating a purchase invoice why do we need to enter items and related
> info (e.g. qty, amount price)? (shouldn't it be derived from shipment
> receipt or PO e.g. and then we should have an option to modifly or add).
> Thank you
> Muhammad Aamir