[POC Vue.Js] Party as a usable testing environment

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[POC Vue.Js] Party as a usable testing environment

Hi Community,

In November, we have worked to be able to test in a more "real situation" the POC. We have migrated the party portlet used by PartyProfile page.
So, there is a new plugin in the POC-vusjs group (in the ofbizextra gitlab[1]) : partymgrfjs

Currently, there are a lot of functionality working, but still some other one, not yet operational.
Next step is to have a full automate User Test Scenario to be sure all is operational and usable.

There are two testing environments :
* ofbiz-selenium[2] used by the continuous integration process and some debug process, so vue.js application is build with dev option
  With this env. it's possible to see a lot of information about data store and component with browser vuejs tools, but application is more slow
* demo-vuejs[3], the standard POC demo build, more stable and build with prod option.

Not all xml tag and properties (screen / form / menu) are currently manage, but 70-80%.
On the first steps we works on Portal / Portlet to better view what it's possible to do in a "classical" One Page approach, but we have started to
migrate the "Find - List" decorator to be able to use it with Vue.Js component.
(one of main POC goal is to show that there are minimum of modifications on xml file, to have the easier and quicker migration, for most of OFBiz GUI)

In Party, PartyContactMech is manage with a ftl file, so we have tested to create a dedicated vuejs components for it and use existing (and new) uri
returning data on json format. (on screen in <platform-specific> <html> a new tag <vuejs have been added).

As we are using vuetify (GUI lib using the Material Design specification) it was very simple to add the button to choose dark or light theme and
choose color, it's not important but fun !

More details of POC situation can be found on https://ofbizextra.org/

It's a POC, so it's a support to discuss about technical or GUI point. All current choices can be challenged to find the correct or strong solution
and quickly see the result on a user point of view.
We work on a agile mode, so most of the parts are prototype which should be reviewed and/or optimize before finalized

Waiting for feeback, questions and remarks

Next step will be :
1. work on json renderer (as discuss with mathieu) to be more clean and clear
2. having a full automate User Test Scenario with party to be sure all new GUI is operational and usable

[1] https://gitlab.ofbizextra.org/ofbizextra/ofbizplugins
[2] https://ofbiz-selenium.ofbizextra.org/partymgrfjs/control/showPortalPage?portalPageId=PartyMgmtFrontJs
[3] https://demo-vuejs.ofbizextra.org/partymgrfjs/control/showPortalPage?portalPageId=PartyMgmtFrontJs