[POC Vue.js] Cleaning - Screen - rest - compound

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[POC Vue.js] Cleaning - Screen - rest - compound

Hi Community,

Some news about the POC Vue.js,
since last mails (4 month ago), some works have been done, and compared to what was planned as the next step, we have taken a step backwards, in order to
1. take into account the remarks of the community
2. make better progress after :-)

* First of all, the cleaning of the POCs (not yet finished), after the first few months where we tried a few solutions, we worked to eliminate all the
non-validated tests or workaround solutions used.
At the JsonRenderer level we try to clearly show what is used and functional, and which attributes / tags not yet implemented, The idea is to have
less but correctly tested.

* Some simplifications in screen  "json representation", ex: field title attributes are now in the field attribute, to be able to have a better
presentation (title integrated in field)
** all generic template use vuetify
** a more beautiful contactMech screenlet

* All can be done with "standard" screens, (without portal - portlet), <container is used to define screen part that can be updated, (directly by
other widget or itself if a specific "watcher - content" change): a more clear and logical screen update process
** we use grid style for <column-container and <column

* for Example and ExampleItem, all uri used are at the REST format and http method is define.
  The template use for uri is the same define for webtools
  {ResourceName}/{cover}/{Pkvalue: .*}
  For Example we have
| URI                         | method        |  Goal
| Example/find                | get           | find form to select options for list
| Example/list                | get (via post)| Example list, +
                                                => with a get (so without parameters) all the examples +
                                                => with a post (parameters and _method="GET") examples selected by options
| Example/create              | get           | create form
| Example/edit/{exampleId}    | get           | edit form and data for the id sent
| Example/show/{exampleId}    | get           | show form and data for the id sent
| Example/summary/{exampleId} | get           | summary form and data for the id sent
| Example/data/{exampleId}    | get           | just data for the id sent
| Example/change              | post          | create a example
| Example/change/{exampleId}  | put (via post)| update example with exampleId
| Example/change/{exampleId}  | delete        | delete example with exampleId

each time a request need multiple parameters, a POST is used with the _method param to which http method should used

* Compound file by Resource name, to have more modularity and reusability (organize by functional Resource), all widget data are in the same file
  controller / menu / form / widget

It's still a POC, so it's still a support to discuss about technical or GUI point.
All current choices can be challenged to find the correct or strong solution and quickly see the result on a user point of view.

To view/test, there are two testing environments :
* ofbiz-selenium[1] used by the continuous integration process and some debug process, so vue.js application is build with dev option
  With this env. it's possible to see a lot of information about data store and component with browser vuejs tools, but application is more slow
* demo-vuejs[2], the standard POC demo build, more stable and build with prod option.

on menu, "Examples management" is done with Screen et Rest-uri
and "Examples management (MgmtPageFrontJs)"  is done with portal-portlet

[1] https://ofbiz-selenium.ofbizextra.org/examplefjs/control/main#/screen/Example/mgmtPg
[2] https://demo-vuejs.ofbizextra.org/examplefjs/control/main#/screen/Example/mgmtPg

We work on a agile mode, so most of the parts are prototype which should be reviewed and/or optimize before finalized

For the next step: we're back on schedule (the POC-UI)
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Re: [POC Vue.js] Cleaning - Screen - rest - compound

Taher Alkhateeb-2

Hi Olivier,

I think to engage the community you need to expose the code more than just sharing a hosted server. Perhaps posting a repo on github might do the trick. Either way, good luck with the initiative.

On Monday, May 04, 2020 18:02 +03, Olivier Heintz <[hidden email]> wrote:
 Hi Community,

Some news about the POC Vue.js,
since last mails (4 month ago), some works have been done, and compared to what was planned as the next step, we have taken a step backwards, in order to
1. take into account the remarks of the community
2. make better progress after :-)

* First of all, the cleaning of the POCs (not yet finished), after the first few months where we tried a few solutions, we worked to eliminate all the
non-validated tests or workaround solutions used.
At the JsonRenderer level we try to clearly show what is used and functional, and which attributes / tags not yet implemented, The idea is to have
less but correctly tested.

* Some simplifications in screen "json representation", ex: field title attributes are now in the field attribute, to be able to have a better
presentation (title integrated in field)
** all generic template use vuetify
** a more beautiful contactMech screenlet

* All can be done with "standard" screens, (without portal - portlet), <container is used to define screen part that can be updated, (directly by
other widget or itself if a specific "watcher - content" change): a more clear and logical screen update process
** we use grid style for <column-container and <column

* for Example and ExampleItem, all uri used are at the REST format and http method is define.
The template use for uri is the same define for webtools
{ResourceName}/{cover}/{Pkvalue: .*}
For Example we have
| URI | method | Goal
| Example/find | get | find form to select options for list
| Example/list | get (via post)| Example list, +
=> with a get (so without parameters) all the examples +
=> with a post (parameters and _method="GET") examples selected by options
| Example/create | get | create form
| Example/edit/{exampleId} | get | edit form and data for the id sent
| Example/show/{exampleId} | get | show form and data for the id sent
| Example/summary/{exampleId} | get | summary form and data for the id sent
| Example/data/{exampleId} | get | just data for the id sent
| Example/change | post | create a example
| Example/change/{exampleId} | put (via post)| update example with exampleId
| Example/change/{exampleId} | delete | delete example with exampleId

each time a request need multiple parameters, a POST is used with the _method param to which http method should used

* Compound file by Resource name, to have more modularity and reusability (organize by functional Resource), all widget data are in the same file
controller / menu / form / widget

It's still a POC, so it's still a support to discuss about technical or GUI point.
All current choices can be challenged to find the correct or strong solution and quickly see the result on a user point of view.

To view/test, there are two testing environments :
* ofbiz-selenium[1] used by the continuous integration process and some debug process, so vue.js application is build with dev option
With this env. it's possible to see a lot of information about data store and component with browser vuejs tools, but application is more slow
* demo-vuejs[2], the standard POC demo build, more stable and build with prod option.

on menu, "Examples management" is done with Screen et Rest-uri
and "Examples management (MgmtPageFrontJs)" is done with portal-portlet

[1] https://ofbiz-selenium.ofbizextra.org/examplefjs/control/main#/screen/Example/mgmtPg
[2] https://demo-vuejs.ofbizextra.org/examplefjs/control/main#/screen/Example/mgmtPg

We work on a agile mode, so most of the parts are prototype which should be reviewed and/or optimize before finalized

For the next step: we're back on schedule (the POC-UI)
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Re: [POC Vue.js] Cleaning - Screen - rest - compound


main repo is on https://gitlab.ofbizextra.org/ofbizextra
* plugin
  ** vuejs: https://gitlab.ofbizextra.org/ofbizextra/ofbizplugins/vuejsPortal
  ** flatgreyfjs: https://gitlab.ofbizextra.org/ofbizextra/ofbizplugins/flatgreyfjs
  ** examplefjs: https://gitlab.ofbizextra.org/ofbizextra/ofbizplugins/examplefjs
  ** partyfjs: https://gitlab.ofbizextra.org/ofbizextra/ofbizplugins/partymgrfjs

for vuejs, there is a clone on github: https://github.com/ofbizextra/vuejsPortal

For documentation: https://ofbizextra.org/ofbizextra_adocs/docs/asciidoc/developer-manual.html#_poc_vuejsportal_installation

Le 04/05/2020 à 20:35, Taher Alkhateeb a écrit :

> Hi Olivier,
> I think to engage the community you need to expose the code more than just sharing a hosted server. Perhaps posting a repo on github might do the trick. Either way, good luck with the initiative.
> On Monday, May 04, 2020 18:02 +03, Olivier Heintz <[hidden email]> wrote:
>  Hi Community,
> Some news about the POC Vue.js,
> since last mails (4 month ago), some works have been done, and compared to what was planned as the next step, we have taken a step backwards, in order to
> 1. take into account the remarks of the community
> 2. make better progress after :-)
> * First of all, the cleaning of the POCs (not yet finished), after the first few months where we tried a few solutions, we worked to eliminate all the
> non-validated tests or workaround solutions used.
> At the JsonRenderer level we try to clearly show what is used and functional, and which attributes / tags not yet implemented, The idea is to have
> less but correctly tested.
> * Some simplifications in screen "json representation", ex: field title attributes are now in the field attribute, to be able to have a better
> presentation (title integrated in field)
> ** all generic template use vuetify
> ** a more beautiful contactMech screenlet
> * All can be done with "standard" screens, (without portal - portlet), <container is used to define screen part that can be updated, (directly by
> other widget or itself if a specific "watcher - content" change): a more clear and logical screen update process
> ** we use grid style for <column-container and <column
> * for Example and ExampleItem, all uri used are at the REST format and http method is define.
> The template use for uri is the same define for webtools
> {ResourceName}/{cover}/{Pkvalue: .*}
> For Example we have
> | URI | method | Goal
> | Example/find | get | find form to select options for list
> | Example/list | get (via post)| Example list, +
> => with a get (so without parameters) all the examples +
> => with a post (parameters and _method="GET") examples selected by options
> | Example/create | get | create form
> | Example/edit/{exampleId} | get | edit form and data for the id sent
> | Example/show/{exampleId} | get | show form and data for the id sent
> | Example/summary/{exampleId} | get | summary form and data for the id sent
> | Example/data/{exampleId} | get | just data for the id sent
> | Example/change | post | create a example
> | Example/change/{exampleId} | put (via post)| update example with exampleId
> | Example/change/{exampleId} | delete | delete example with exampleId
> each time a request need multiple parameters, a POST is used with the _method param to which http method should used
> * Compound file by Resource name, to have more modularity and reusability (organize by functional Resource), all widget data are in the same file
> controller / menu / form / widget
> It's still a POC, so it's still a support to discuss about technical or GUI point.
> All current choices can be challenged to find the correct or strong solution and quickly see the result on a user point of view.
> To view/test, there are two testing environments :
> * ofbiz-selenium[1] used by the continuous integration process and some debug process, so vue.js application is build with dev option
> With this env. it's possible to see a lot of information about data store and component with browser vuejs tools, but application is more slow
> * demo-vuejs[2], the standard POC demo build, more stable and build with prod option.
> on menu, "Examples management" is done with Screen et Rest-uri
> and "Examples management (MgmtPageFrontJs)" is done with portal-portlet
> [1] https://ofbiz-selenium.ofbizextra.org/examplefjs/control/main#/screen/Example/mgmtPg
> [2] https://demo-vuejs.ofbizextra.org/examplefjs/control/main#/screen/Example/mgmtPg
> We work on a agile mode, so most of the parts are prototype which should be reviewed and/or optimize before finalized
> For the next step: we're back on schedule (the POC-UI)
> https://ofbizextra.org/ofbizextra_adocs/docs/asciidoc/developer-manual.html#_modular_and_generic_ui