I would like to get some comments on a request to enhance the SystemProperty entity.
It would be useful to add the following fields:
field: access
-this field is used to indicate if the entry is readable and/or writable by the a user with admin access.
-valid values:
empty=readable, writable
rw=readable and writable
field: valueType
-this field is used to indicate the format of the value. It could be used to aid validation
-valid values:
empty,text=any sequence of characters
boolean=true/false, Y/N
numeric=digits and hex values (eg. 0x????)
date=date value
A second point. The SystemProperty entity contains settings for the whole system (even thought some are for specific components). Would it be useful to include user specific settings based on userLoginId. If so, would that be using SystemProperty or create a new entity (eg. UserProperty?)