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Patchs for release 4.0

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Patchs for release 4.0

Fabien Carrion

I have been working with the ofbiz release 4.0 and I made some patchs
to correct some behaviour or to add some functionalities.

Here they are:
calculate_date_diff.patch.gz                       ==> To permit to
use the calculate function in the minilang services with Date objects.
jasperreports_diff.patch.gz                         ==> To permit to
have a view with jasperreports to export to excel using the poi api,
or the jxls api.
calendar_diff.patch.gz                                ==> To correct
the problem with the window popup to select the date
sql_complexalias_constant_diff.patch.gz   ==> To permit to use
constant and SQL function in entities which has complex-alias fields

If you want any more information on this patch, I am available.

I would like to know also where I could find a hosting for a ofbiz web
application. Is there a provedor which give this kind of service?


Fabien Carrion

()  Campagne du ruban ASCII -- Contre les mails en html
/\  contre les pieces-jointes Microsoft
Web: http://fabien.carrion.free.fr/
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Re: Patchs for release 4.0

Fabien Carrion

I am sorry I forget to attach the patch


On 9/17/07, Fabien Carrion <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been working with the ofbiz release 4.0 and I made some patchs
> to correct some behaviour or to add some functionalities.
> Here they are:
> calculate_date_diff.patch.gz                       ==> To permit to
> use the calculate function in the minilang services with Date objects.
> jasperreports_diff.patch.gz                         ==> To permit to
> have a view with jasperreports to export to excel using the poi api,
> or the jxls api.
> calendar_diff.patch.gz                                ==> To correct
> the problem with the window popup to select the date
> sql_complexalias_constant_diff.patch.gz   ==> To permit to use
> constant and SQL function in entities which has complex-alias fields
> If you want any more information on this patch, I am available.
> I would like to know also where I could find a hosting for a ofbiz web
> application. Is there a provedor which give this kind of service?
> Thanks
> --
> Fabien Carrion
> ()  Campagne du ruban ASCII -- Contre les mails en html
> /\  contre les pieces-jointes Microsoft
> Web: http://fabien.carrion.free.fr/

Fabien Carrion

()  Campagne du ruban ASCII -- Contre les mails en html
/\  contre les pieces-jointes Microsoft
Web: http://fabien.carrion.free.fr/

calculate_date_diff.patch.gz (952 bytes) Download Attachment
calendar_diff.patch.gz (1K) Download Attachment
jasperreports_diff.patch.gz (3K) Download Attachment
sql_complexalias_constant_diff.patch.gz (1K) Download Attachment
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Re: Patchs for release 4.0

David E Jones


Could you submit each of these as an issue in the Jira tracking system for OFBiz (which is on the ASF Jira server):


Just create an account and then you can create issues, attach patches, etc.

For more details on best practices for contributors (makes your life and committers/reviewers lives easier) please read:


BTW, some of these will only be able to go into the trunk (new features are not in the branch, only bug fixes).

Looks great, thanks for your interest in contributing!


Fabien Carrion wrote:

> Hi,
> I am sorry I forget to attach the patch
> Regards
> On 9/17/07, Fabien Carrion <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have been working with the ofbiz release 4.0 and I made some patchs
>> to correct some behaviour or to add some functionalities.
>> Here they are:
>> calculate_date_diff.patch.gz                       ==> To permit to
>> use the calculate function in the minilang services with Date objects.
>> jasperreports_diff.patch.gz                         ==> To permit to
>> have a view with jasperreports to export to excel using the poi api,
>> or the jxls api.
>> calendar_diff.patch.gz                                ==> To correct
>> the problem with the window popup to select the date
>> sql_complexalias_constant_diff.patch.gz   ==> To permit to use
>> constant and SQL function in entities which has complex-alias fields
>> If you want any more information on this patch, I am available.
>> I would like to know also where I could find a hosting for a ofbiz web
>> application. Is there a provedor which give this kind of service?
>> Thanks
>> --
>> Fabien Carrion
>> ()  Campagne du ruban ASCII -- Contre les mails en html
>> /\  contre les pieces-jointes Microsoft
>> Web: http://fabien.carrion.free.fr/
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A new GUI for sales order entry

In response to David's email to Fabien, I read information at:


This statement caught my eye:

"Discuss your features with the community. What are you trying to implement,
and how are you planning to do it? This is especially important if you are
new to the project. "

I personally feel duty bound to contribute back to the effort and intend to
do so with two Ofbiz applications I am writing.

I was going to write these as web apps first, but given that the choice of
approved Javascript tools is still up in the air, decided to do the
standalone versions first.

Both apps will be based on XUI. The first, the Sales Order entry app will
borrow code from POS for backend processing, but have a completely different
user interface similiar to, but more user friendly that the current web app
you get at Orders-Order Entry.  The current client does wholesale sales
primarily but has significant cash business in two stores and so the
application will be designed with that in mind.  They also have a legacy
application and the UI will imitate what they have to some degree to limit
training time.

I am posting this to "Discuss your features with the community" in advance
of the submission.
