Was looking into how we would transfer a collection of inventory items from one facility to another. It appeared in the model that you had to do this on a one-by-one basis, am I missing something? It appeared that I may be missing something ... is any of this true ...
a) You can package up inventory transfer requests and then use a shipment to handle moving them; hoping that completing the shipment would invoke completion of the inventory transfers.
b) You may be able to invoke inventory transfers of inventory items by container. The idea would be to create a container and stock move the items into that container and then use the container as the mechanism to trigger the inventory transfer. Granted it looked like the container support was either half-baked, depreciated, or perhaps had slipped in as the result of a customer engagement (example -- there is no controller request for EditContainer, but there is an ftl that (if the inventory item has it) would render it as a hyperlink).
c) Perhaps you can use the pick list functionality to drive a bulk inventory item transfer? Admittedly, this is one area of the application I have not looked at at all.
d) There is currently no support for bulk inventory transfers -- you have to identify inventory items and move them one by one to the other facility.