Physical Inventory Review

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Physical Inventory Review

Every year, we have to do a "Physical Inventory" where everything is
counted and the inventory is corrected. Here's a run-down of how our
process works:

1. Freeze the inventory
2. Produce the "Physical Review" which basically a list of all the
items to be counted
3. Produce count sheets (ie. Product Id, Bin #, Quantity)
4. Physically count the inventory
5. Key the counts into the review
6. Produce a variance report (Product, Expected Qty, Actual Qty)
7. Recount any products which raise a red flag (ie. items where
cost * variance >= x)
8. Post the review (actually modifies the inventory)


Does OFBiz have this sort of functionality?

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Re: Physical Inventory Review

David E Jones-3

Most of it, yes.


On May 14, 2009, at 9:15 AM, Sanders, Brian wrote:

> Every year, we have to do a "Physical Inventory" where everything is
> counted and the inventory is corrected. Here's a run-down of how our
> process works:
> 1. Freeze the inventory
> 2. Produce the "Physical Review" which basically a list of all the
> items to be counted
> 3. Produce count sheets (ie. Product Id, Bin #, Quantity)
> 4. Physically count the inventory
> 5. Key the counts into the review
> 6. Produce a variance report (Product, Expected Qty, Actual Qty)
> 7. Recount any products which raise a red flag (ie. items where
> cost * variance >= x)
> 8. Post the review (actually modifies the inventory)
> Does OFBiz have this sort of functionality?

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RE: Physical Inventory Review

Can you explain how I might go about it? I can see some things that sort
of fit the bill, but I'm not quite sure about the others.

1. Not really worried about this, unless a solution already exists
2. This is really more of an entity that doesn't exist
3. I'm guessing that this would be the list of inventory items, although
I don't need all the columns
4. n/a
5. Where would this go?
6. This ultimately would be a list of InventoryItemVariance's that are
applied in step 8
7. Is there anything that already exists that would display the cost *
8. Apply all the variances as a batch

-----Original Message-----
From: David E Jones [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2009 3:55 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: Physical Inventory Review

Most of it, yes.


On May 14, 2009, at 9:15 AM, Sanders, Brian wrote:

> Every year, we have to do a "Physical Inventory" where everything is
> counted and the inventory is corrected. Here's a run-down of how our
> process works:
> 1. Freeze the inventory
> 2. Produce the "Physical Review" which basically a list of all the
> items to be counted
> 3. Produce count sheets (ie. Product Id, Bin #, Quantity)
> 4. Physically count the inventory
> 5. Key the counts into the review
> 6. Produce a variance report (Product, Expected Qty, Actual Qty)
> 7. Recount any products which raise a red flag (ie. items where
> cost * variance >= x)
> 8. Post the review (actually modifies the inventory)
> Does OFBiz have this sort of functionality?

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Re: Physical Inventory Review

BJ Freeman
In reply to this post by bsanders1979
1. the old fashion way, have a inventory day where nothing effects
inventory and everyone does the count.
2. all inventory Items have a through date, so just list the one that
don't have the through date filled it.
3. you can create your own custom. if your using Wirless then they can
enter the data automatically not in the OOTB.
or print out
and hand mark it
note:   ATP Var   QOH Var since these are used for like receiving inventory.
4. #1
5. if you used the automatic way in #2 or do the hand entry. maybe for
hand entry use excel then import back in this is not OOTB, then run the
same report
look at   ATP Var   QOH Var

7. it would be a customer report, not sure if BI is up to this level or not
8. not really necessary.

Sanders, Brian sent the following on 5/15/2009 8:26 AM:

> Can you explain how I might go about it? I can see some things that sort
> of fit the bill, but I'm not quite sure about the others.
> 1. Not really worried about this, unless a solution already exists
> 2. This is really more of an entity that doesn't exist
> 3. I'm guessing that this would be the list of inventory items, although
> I don't need all the columns
> 4. n/a
> 5. Where would this go?
> 6. This ultimately would be a list of InventoryItemVariance's that are
> applied in step 8
> 7. Is there anything that already exists that would display the cost *
> variance?
> 8. Apply all the variances as a batch
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David E Jones [mailto:[hidden email]]
> Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2009 3:55 PM
> To: [hidden email]
> Subject: Re: Physical Inventory Review
> Most of it, yes.
> -David
> On May 14, 2009, at 9:15 AM, Sanders, Brian wrote:
>> Every year, we have to do a "Physical Inventory" where everything is
>> counted and the inventory is corrected. Here's a run-down of how our
>> process works:
>> 1. Freeze the inventory
>> 2. Produce the "Physical Review" which basically a list of all the
>> items to be counted
>> 3. Produce count sheets (ie. Product Id, Bin #, Quantity)
>> 4. Physically count the inventory
>> 5. Key the counts into the review
>> 6. Produce a variance report (Product, Expected Qty, Actual Qty)
>> 7. Recount any products which raise a red flag (ie. items where
>> cost * variance >= x)
>> 8. Post the review (actually modifies the inventory)
>> Does OFBiz have this sort of functionality?

BJ Freeman
Systems Integrator.