You are at the right place, I guess you subscribed at, right?
Hopefully someone will take the time to answer you, you might need though to explain your issue in more details
* What you were looking for
* How did you try to achieve it
* What did you expect as results
* And what you really got
# What you did (including detailed steps to reproduce)
# What you expected to happen
# What actually happened (including exact quotes of error messages, etc)
# If possible provide an URL
Last but not least: Release.revision? (see bottom of backend pages, if nothing run ant svninfo)
Le 29/04/2015 01:05, Karen Kramer a écrit :
> Hi, I am trying to use OfBiz to write some datafiles without using the complete project.Hoping to get help. I've built 2 of the and base and then got the google HashMap stuff and still having trouble initializinga class.May I join a usergroup?Karen Kramer