Please help me out

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Please help me out

Jame Jane
I am implementing e-PAS for Payment Processing in ofbiz for 3-D secure
everything is going fine but the response that is coming which is html response
I am storing in String.The response should be displayed on browser .
how can i do it.
I can forward it ftl or wat.

I am sending Post Data to e-PAS server.It is going fine.
The data which I am sending is printing on console it is HTML data with
 in HTML Tags
  HttpClient http = new HttpClient(serverURL);

String response = null;
  response =;

The respnse is printing fine with in <html></html> tags.It
 is printing
 on console
but the problem is I want to handle this response so that Pop window will appear on the browser from hsbc.

Please tell me how to do it.

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