Problems while PUSH and PULL entity sync process in POS

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Problems while PUSH and PULL entity sync process in POS

Hi all,

I'm trying to setup POS. I'm facing problems while entity synchronization in my application. As per the documentations, I've customized PosSyncSettings.xml, jpos.xml, pos-container.xml, DemoRetail.xml etc as per the specifications given.

The PosSyncSettings.xml is defining both the PUSH and PULL process for MCS->PSS, PSS->POS, POS->PSS and PSS->MCS. I'm trying to run the given jobs from PosSyncSettings.xml file.
I'm using one local database.

The application I'm running is a single instance of OFbiz having one Retail Store and one POS terminal (already given "POS-1"). As we know that POS terminal should have its own database. I'm using the local database on my PC for POS terminal and my store. I've also configured one databse instance (for MCS purpose) on a server PC in our LAN setup.

Now, how can we reference to this server database as MCS. My entityengine.xml of application is connected to local databse. No where I found the place to reference this MCS server database. Please tell me how I can setup two different databases (one for MCS and other for PSS+POS), where should I pass the relevant information regarding this connection establishment.

Rightnow my application is able to use only local database as this much information is defined only in entityengine.xml.The RMIdispatcher , main-rmi, entity-sync-http, etc. I'm using in my application are as follows:

main-rmi = rmi://localhost:1099/RMIDispatcher
entity-sync-http = http://localhost:8080/webtools/control/httpService
entity-sync-rmi = rmi://localhost:1099/RMIDispatcher
rita-rmi = rmi://localhost:1099/RMIDispatcher
eedcc-test = http://localhost:8080/webtools/control/httpService

Please let me know what kind of configuration settings I've to do to resolve these issues. Which files are concerned where I'll have to implement the changes? I'm a new user of OFbiz but trying to experiment and learn more with the help of documentations and support of this forum.

I'm sending you the concerned file that I'm using along with this mail, please find them as attachments.

Any help will be appreciated.

With regards,
S K Pradeep kumar

DemoRetail.xml (12K) Download Attachment
entityengine.xml (32K) Download Attachment
pos-containers.xml (4K) Download Attachment
PosSyncSettings.xml (12K) Download Attachment
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Re: Problems while PUSH and PULL entity sync process in POS

Vince Clark

entity-sync-rmi should point to your PSS or MCS, not localhost.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Pradeep Kumar" <[hidden email]>
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2008 7:45:44 PM (GMT-0700) America/Denver
Subject: Problems while PUSH and PULL entity sync process in POS

Hi all,

I'm trying to setup POS . I'm facing problems while entity synchronization in my application. As per the documentations, I've customized PosSyncSettings.xml, jpos.xml, pos-container.xml, DemoRetail.xml etc as per the specifications given.

The PosSyncSettings.xml is defining both the PUSH and PULL process for MCS->PSS, PSS->POS, POS->PSS and PSS->MCS . I'm trying to run the given jobs from PosSyncSettings.xml file.
I'm using one local database.

The application I'm running is a single instance of OFbiz having one Retail Store and one POS terminal (already given "POS-1"). As we know that POS terminal should have its own database. I'm using the local database on my PC for POS terminal and my store. I've also configured one databse instance (for MCS purpose) on a server PC in our LAN setup.

Now, how can we reference to this server database as MCS. My entityengine.xml of application is connected to local databse. No where I found the place to reference this MCS server database. Please tell me how I can setup two different databases (one for MCS and other for PSS+POS) , where should I pass the relevant information regarding this connection establishment.

Rightnow my application is able to use only local database as this much information is defined only in entityengine.xml .The RMIdispatcher , main-rmi, entity-sync-http, etc. I'm using in my application are as follows:

main-rmi = rmi://localhost:1099/RMIDispatcher
entity-sync-http = http://localhost:8080/webtools/control/httpService 
entity-sync-rmi = rmi://localhost:1099/RMIDispatcher
rita-rmi = rmi://localhost:1099/RMIDispatcher
eedcc-test = http://localhost:8080/webtools/control/httpService 

Please let me know what kind of configuration settings I've to do to resolve these issues. Which files are concerned where I'll have to implement the changes? I'm a new user of OFbiz but trying to experiment and learn more with the help of documentations and support of this forum.

I'm sending you the concerned file that I'm using along with this mail, please find them as attachments.

Any help will be appreciated.

With regards,
S K Pradeep kumar