Product Pricing

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Product Pricing

How do i acheive this?

There is a list price, Sales person needs to sell within a lower and upper band(list price). Lower band is a selling price set by user.

How can we make sure it works on the quote?

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Re: Product Pricing

BJ Freeman
I see a couple of options.
it depends how your using the OTTB ofbiz.
#1 Default price is the price show on a product.
   if you have a list price then the page shows the savings.
so you can change the code to use default price as the lower and the
list price as the upper.
#2 a better solution is to create two new price types and the code and
UI to support them.

Ushah sent the following on 7/8/2010 2:13 AM:

> How do i acheive this?
> There is a list price, Sales person needs to sell within a lower and upper
> band(list price). Lower band is a selling price set by user.
> How can we make sure it works on the quote?
> Thanks