Proposal Guidelines for News Items

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Re: Proposal Guidelines for News Items

Jacques Le Roux
About books, it seems we have already a definition and even a page for them
We may link from the main page, and "hop là"

About news, why not follow what David suggested: use a formal definition from a dictionnary.
For instance definition 1 at

We all see that there is a perversion. A book is not  a news. A news about a book is a news. This is true for all things (who care
about news about news? heu... Twitter :p)



From: "Ruth Hoffman" <[hidden email]>

> Scott Gray wrote:
>> I'm immensely grateful for the effort that Sharan has put into all of the documentation she has created.  I can't comment on the
>> guide because I don't have any desire to fill out your survey (that's just me, don't take it as any form of disapproval).
> None taken. The survey is there for one reason: to give people an opportunity to tell us what to develop next. Sort of like giving
> OFBiz user's the opportunity to express their opinions about OFBiz without making them jump through hoops or exposing them to
> ridicule.
>>  When I used the term book I was referring to the paper form which is an order of magnitude more difficult to get published and a
>> much bigger deal (it's listed on Amazon, it has reviews, etc.).
> Actually, for those who may not know this...ebook creation and publication is just as difficult as paper publication. Anyone can
> publish a hardcopy if they have a PDF (using Lulu). There are good publications and bad ones. The devil is in the details. All
> that Amazon and review stuff...that comes with marketing $$$. It has nothing to do with the effort that goes into writing a book.
> Only how much money a publisher is will to throw at a book. BTW, I've had people comment on my books - similar to reviews. If you
> care to do a review and comment either way, I'd be very happy to publish your comments. Just say the word and I'll send you a
> copy.
>> But as I mentioned below, things like this are just something we should discuss as a community and attempt to come to a
>> consensus.
>> Regards
>> Scott
>> On 17/03/2010, at 7:46 PM, Ruth Hoffman wrote:
>>> Hi Scott:
>>> So, this gets really "sticky" because the publishing industry would say that a "book" is a document that consists of a certain
>>> number of pages. I don't remember exactly how many, but I think it something like 30+ pages. I know that Sharan's manufacturing
>>> guide is in excess of 30 pages. I also know that she spent many hours on this. By my reckoning, this is "news". This is the
>>> first time that I know of that someone has written a piece in excess of one or two HTML web pages that speaks directly about
>>> OFBiz manufacturing and MRP features. Isn't that "news"? I mean isn't that great news! Someone has taken the time to put this
>>> together and is offering it to the public?
>>> Regards,
>>> Ruth
>>> Scott Gray wrote:
>>>> I would most definitely class a book about OFBiz as news, it's not like they get published regularly.  Assuming we go ahead and
>>>> slim down the news section I would class news as being articles from a reputable news source or items of significant importance
>>>> to the community (like a book being published).  If there is ever any doubt about whether or not an item should go in there
>>>> then I think we should just discuss it here on the dev or user list as a community.
>>>> I still feel like we need some sort of guidelines for the wiki page that the ex-news items will go into, but I would really
>>>> like the community to come up with the guidelines since apparently I'm too biased to be taken seriously.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Scott
>>>> On 17/03/2010, at 6:32 PM, Sharan-F wrote:
>>>>> Hi David
>>>>> If that's what the community wants then thats OK with me but I think we need
>>>>> to define what 'news' is. For example is the book by Packt publishing
>>>>> classed as news or promotional material? (To me its news but it also
>>>>> promotes Packt)
>>>>> I think if there can be any ambiguity then we need something the say what is
>>>>> acceptable and what is not. If Tim has this covered then great but I'd still
>>>>> think it would be good to have something written somewhere so we're all
>>>>> clear on what's what.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Sharan
>>>>> --
>>>>> View this message in context:
>>>>> Sent from the OFBiz - Dev mailing list archive at

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Re: Proposal Guidelines for News Items

Jacopo Cappellato-4
In reply to this post by David E. Jones-2
On Mar 18, 2010, at 1:41 AM, David E Jones wrote:

> Come on people, please stop pushing this.
> There are only two possible outcomes that I can see, and I don't like either of them:
> 1. the PMC has to vote on EVERY change to the home page, especially in the news section, to make sure everyone agrees that it is "news"

Sadly, but I have to admit that I tend to think that the above is the best option we have, considering the recent bad feelings, accusations, disputes.
The process could look like this:
1) if someone (including committers/pmc members) wants to change something on the home page, then he/she will create a patch and a Jira task
2) the committers will vote on the patch and publish or reject it (I would be tempted to say "providing a reason is not mandatory")

I really don't want to continue discussions like: "what is a news?", "what is a book?", "is this independent source of information?", "is this marketing?" etc...


> 2. we remove the news section, and anything else that might change regularly, from the home page
> Do we really have to resort to the most restrictive measures possible? Can't we get along with something less?
> Either way, I've pulled my stuff from the page and I'm out of this conversation. Have fun.
> -David
> On Mar 17, 2010, at 6:32 PM, Sharan-F wrote:
>> Hi David
>> If that's what the community wants then thats OK with me but I think we need
>> to define what 'news' is. For example is the book by Packt publishing
>> classed as news or promotional material? (To me its news but it also
>> promotes Packt)
>> I think if there can be any ambiguity then we need something the say what is
>> acceptable and what is not. If Tim has this covered then great but I'd still
>> think it would be good to have something written somewhere so we're all
>> clear on what's what.
>> Thanks
>> Sharan