Protx with Ofbiz, anybody interested?

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Protx with Ofbiz, anybody interested?

Calum Miller-2

We have managed to get an implementation of Ofbiz working with the Protx
payment gateway (see, and we would like to
open-source and support our efforts. Our website is here, for an example of how the tracking
codes work then see here:

I am no salesman for Protx but I do believe they are significantly
cheaper than WorldPay and more convenient that PayPal to use. I would
like to approach Protx and ask them to support our open-sourcing effort
(packaging up the solution, producing the documentation and answering
questions on this list will all take time, which equals money).

In order for Protx to take our request for sponsorship seriously I'd
like some market share information on Ofbiz. Number of downloads per
month would be a start, anything more sophisticated than that would be
great. I would also appreciate some feedback on this list from any
companies out there who feel they would seriously consider using Protx
if integrated into Ofbiz.

Many thanks

Calum Miller
MercatX Ltd