Purchase Invoice: why is "accrued commissions due" involved?

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Purchase Invoice: why is "accrued commissions due" involved?

Adrian Stern

I noticed that when i create a purchase invoice and pay for it, the account
221100 - ACCRUED COMMISSIONS DUE is involved. This is unexpected since i
expected a maximum of 3 accounts involved. (expense, bank, and maybe some
payment un-applied account)

Since it's not really possible to look this account up, i have to ask you
guy's about what it is for.

As i understand a commission (here in Switzerland anyways), it is money I
give someone for selling my products for me. Like insurance brokers receive
a commission for each insurance sold.

So why would i pay commissions when simply buying something for my company?

*Why is this account involved in this case? What does it do?*

Adrian Stern