Purpose of ProductCategory.productCategoryTypeId?

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Purpose of ProductCategory.productCategoryTypeId?

Christian Carlow-OFBizzer
Can someone explain the purpose of the
ProductCategory.productCategoryTypeId?  I haven't found much code that
uses the field and couldn't find it documented in the DMRB in the
Products chapter.  I see that productsummary.ftl tries to exclude
products in a category with a productCategoryTypeId="BEST_SELL_CATEGORY"
and AddGiftCertificates.groovy get categories with
productCategoryTypeId="GIFT_CARD_CATEGORY" but still can't figure out
the significance of the field.

I'm about to import material products of different categories and I'm
wondering if its necessary to create those material categories with
productCategoryTypeId="MATERIALS_CATEGORY"?  I haven't actually found
any code using the "MATERIALS_CATEGORY" yet so using seems like it won't

Is the field just there for potentially better filtering search
results?  Does it matter if I use "CATALOG_CATEGORY" for material products?