Questions about Opentaps

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Questions about Opentaps

Christian Carlow-OFBizzer
Whenever new features or improvements are requested for OFBiz, sometimes
someone recommends looking at OpenTaps to see if and how it is
implemented there.

I downloaded OpenTaps last month and had compilation issues related to
framework/base code that was changed around 2 years ago on the OFBiz
trunk.  I assume this means that parts of OpenTaps haven't been updated
in years.  I never got around to resolving the compilation errors.

I assume this means that if functionality exists Opentaps that should
also exist in OFBiz then much of the code could be subject to changes
that conform to changes made to OFBiz since the revisions being used
within Opentaps.  Is anyone running Opentaps to determine functionality

I'm still not exactly sure why Opentaps would include any functionality
that wouldn't be included in OFBiz.  I understand that Opentaps might
use things like JasperReports which shouldn't be included in OFBiz but
for things such as OFBIZ-5282 for introducting accounting ledger
segmentation it seems such functionality would have been implemented in

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Re: Questions about Opentaps

Adrian Crum-3
It's a long story. Opentaps had a financials module before OFBiz. That
module stayed local to Opentaps - it was not contributed back to the
main project. Then the OFBiz community created its own financials
module. So, the two are incompatible.

In summary, Opentaps is an OFBiz fork that has, over the years, moved
away from the OFBiz framework and toward other technologies/designs.
They are going in a different direction - so there is no effort to
contribute back to the OFBiz project.

Adrian Crum
Sandglass Software

On 12/20/2013 7:35 AM, Christian Carlow wrote:

> Whenever new features or improvements are requested for OFBiz, sometimes
> someone recommends looking at OpenTaps to see if and how it is
> implemented there.
> I downloaded OpenTaps last month and had compilation issues related to
> framework/base code that was changed around 2 years ago on the OFBiz
> trunk.  I assume this means that parts of OpenTaps haven't been updated
> in years.  I never got around to resolving the compilation errors.
> I assume this means that if functionality exists Opentaps that should
> also exist in OFBiz then much of the code could be subject to changes
> that conform to changes made to OFBiz since the revisions being used
> within Opentaps.  Is anyone running Opentaps to determine functionality
> differences.
> I'm still not exactly sure why Opentaps would include any functionality
> that wouldn't be included in OFBiz.  I understand that Opentaps might
> use things like JasperReports which shouldn't be included in OFBiz but
> for things such as OFBIZ-5282 for introducting accounting ledger
> segmentation it seems such functionality would have been implemented in
> OFBiz.
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Re: Questions about Opentaps

Pierre Smits
Hi Christian,

While that product will have its merits too, your posting here is an
argument for choosing OFBiz over it.

Thanks, and regards,

Pierre Smits

Services & Solutions for Cloud-
Based Manufacturing, Professional
Services and Retail & Trade

On Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 2:03 PM, Adrian Crum <
[hidden email]> wrote:

> It's a long story. Opentaps had a financials module before OFBiz. That
> module stayed local to Opentaps - it was not contributed back to the main
> project. Then the OFBiz community created its own financials module. So,
> the two are incompatible.
> In summary, Opentaps is an OFBiz fork that has, over the years, moved away
> from the OFBiz framework and toward other technologies/designs. They are
> going in a different direction - so there is no effort to contribute back
> to the OFBiz project.
> Adrian Crum
> Sandglass Software
> On 12/20/2013 7:35 AM, Christian Carlow wrote:
>> Whenever new features or improvements are requested for OFBiz, sometimes
>> someone recommends looking at OpenTaps to see if and how it is
>> implemented there.
>> I downloaded OpenTaps last month and had compilation issues related to
>> framework/base code that was changed around 2 years ago on the OFBiz
>> trunk.  I assume this means that parts of OpenTaps haven't been updated
>> in years.  I never got around to resolving the compilation errors.
>> I assume this means that if functionality exists Opentaps that should
>> also exist in OFBiz then much of the code could be subject to changes
>> that conform to changes made to OFBiz since the revisions being used
>> within Opentaps.  Is anyone running Opentaps to determine functionality
>> differences.
>> I'm still not exactly sure why Opentaps would include any functionality
>> that wouldn't be included in OFBiz.  I understand that Opentaps might
>> use things like JasperReports which shouldn't be included in OFBiz but
>> for things such as OFBIZ-5282 for introducting accounting ledger
>> segmentation it seems such functionality would have been implemented in
>> OFBiz.