Re: Deploy Ofbiz in JBoss

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Re: Deploy Ofbiz in JBoss

David E Jones

If those servers are having a problem with that kind of traffic then OFBiz is probably not setup right, most likely the
cache settings still have the timeouts meant for development (which easily has a 100 times impact on performance).
Please read and follow instructions in the Technical Production Setup Guide:

Just so you know, what usually happens when you try to deploy in another app server instead of using the embedded Tomcat
  is that you introduce more problems than you solve, and things are more difficult and perform worse instead of easier
and perform better.

BTW, this sort of question should go to the OFBiz user mailing list instead of directly to me. I'll copy the mailing
list on this reply and you should make sure you are subscribed and then ask additional questions there.


[hidden email] wrote:

> Hi David,
> We are having severe performance issue running ofbiz with embedded tomcat. Currently it struggles to serve 50,000 pages/day (with maximum access between 7pm -11pm). Our deployment architecture is currently one linux box (2 GHz processer, 2 GB RAM, CentOS Linux5) hosting web server (ofbiz embedded tomcat) and DB (postgresql).  
> We are looking to serve 30,000 pages/day with each visit serving approximately 10 pages, which boils down to serving around 2500 - 3000 customers/day. To achieve this, we are seriously considering moving to a better server configuration and at the same time thinking about scaling up the deployment architecture (using apache for static content, having 2 – 3 instance of servers running ofbiz and having a different server for DB).
> Being a new bee to ofbiz, I was reading through the forums and documentations to find out what is the correct approach to achieve the above and was surprised to see your reply below claiming with one box you have achieved around 1 million pages/day.
> I would like to find out what will be the best approach for us to take and also find some cool links/documentation/step to step approach about scaling up with ofbiz(embedded tomcat), do we need to use apache for static content? and separate DB? also what kind of load balancer is recommended? etc
> Thanks for the help.
> Raj
> David E. Jones-2 wrote:
>> Depending on what your site looks like, chances are 5 million page  
>> views per month will not require more than one app server with the  
>> database and a separate web server for your content all on the same  
>> box. In fact, our normal (super rough) deployment sizing guideline is  
>> around 1 million page hits per _day_ per app server. You should  
>> definitely do load testing once your initial system is built to verify  
>> things before you put a load on the production server, but this is  
>> really a pretty tame load.
>> As for scaling, say you need to handle something like 1 million page  
>> hits in an hour with a sub-second response time for all pages (except  
>> the super-complex ones, or those were external system calls like  
>> credit card auths are required). In that case you may want a pair of  
>> decent database servers running in a cluster, and a 5-10 app servers  
>> running in a cluster of their own. To scale like that you would need  
>> multiple server groups within the cluster that replicate session data.  
>> For example for 6 servers you might go with 3 sets of 2 server groups  
>> in the cluster (ie each pair of servers replicates their session data  
>> for failover purposes).
>> Anyway, all of this is possible, and even easy and effective using  
>> just Tomcat. In fact, it is really Tomcat that takes care of all of  
>> this, and it does it well.
>> More to the point: JBoss and WASCE don't do any better than Tomcat...  
>> and why? Because they both use Tomcat for their servlet container!
>> -David