Re: Is it ok to Parameterize location of Second level decorators

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Re: Is it ok to Parameterize location of Second level decorators

Chandresh Turakhia
I am sorry that I have still not made contribution and
making suggestions.. :(

But this may be possible... e.g thinlet throws swing code
for rich client using 1 code generator ; another generates
MIDP Code ...

Basically you are making abstract screen definition and
depending on the target generate code.

Same principle is used by my company. When we develop code
for 1 phone ; we take Device capability from WURFL and
according transcode the output.

Someone seems to be working on OpenLaszlo and Ofbiz and
making Lazlo for business. Same OpenLaszlo script might
work on mobile too. Sun seems to working with them 


> I'd like to see what others have to say about this
> The question is: How can we accomodate OFBiz running on
portable devices without
> re-writing the entire UI? Is that even possible?
> How does "parameterizing the location of decorators"
help this effort? I'm not
> clear on how such a thing would be implemented.
> Anil Patel wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Is it Ok to parameterize location of decorators that
are derived from
> > main-decorator. By doing this special purpose
applications will be able
> > customize tab bar and few others things without having
to copy bunch of
> > screen code form Ofbiz main components.
> >
> > If this seems to be acceptable Idea and then I'll like
to submit patch to
> > parameterize screens in accounting, product/catalog,
> >
> > Regards
> > Anil Patel
> >

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