Re: about geronimo

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Re: about geronimo

Ludovic Maitre-2
Hi Jacques,

It's interesting, and i would be glad to read your code.

I have too Ofbiz running under an "appserver", that is running under
Tomcat (5, 6). I'm now working to let it run under any appserver, and
under multiple namespaces. As you guess this need a lot of rewrite in
the base code due to the use of statics references everywhere for
instance. I have a bunch of modifications to the source code of Ofbiz
which are visible heres to allow it to run under Tomcat (also a new
template for it):
- It is
labeled Apache Ofbiz because this isn't a large derivation of the base
apache source code. It just include an extra module "LzCommerce" which
is an extension of the ecommerce website with OpenLazslo 4 (i.e Flash
and DHTML renderings) integration and the tomcat templates. Also i try
to implement the French accounting rules into it. And have added a way
to load alternate entity-config.xml files.

To allow to run OfBiz under multiple namespaces in the same application
server (or application servers cluster [hint,hint :-)] i have taken
another approach and so have retrofitted Ofbiz into a Maven 2
multiproject, and an OSGi (Sling) web application. This should allow to
mount multiples instances of Ofbiz under different namespaces/webapps
(and a whole lot of other things due to the management possibilities
that OSGI provide). However i'm only at the beginning of the work
regarding this derivation (but will achieve it), actually only base and
start work [i'm focused on finishing the openlaszlo frontend and the xml
rpc exports it requires]. The source is here:
- The
most interessantr (and coded) parts are under osgi/.

This is not really okay for public review, it lacks documentation (and
code!), but as i've done some work in a matter related to what you evoke
in your mail, perhaps you or others devs interested in the subject could
take a look at it (and even give me advices on some points :-). I'm
afraid that there is a lot of work remaining before beeing able to
submit it as a patch to the official ofbiz, and that the community will
not adhere to the architecture i have choosen so perhaps this will only
remain some private forks of ofbiz, but let it be ;-)

Best regards,

Jacques Le Roux a écrit :

> I have done some work about that these last weeks for a client. Now
> OFBiz is running under Websphere Application Server Community
> Edition 2 (WASCE) which  is derived from Geronimo 2.0.1. But I have a
> problem with Geronimo itself. I will commit soon with a
> guidelines in  OFBiz doc, still  some tests to do... I used a simple
> approach, there are no changes in OFBiz but in appserver.
> One point on which I failed is to allow multi-instances of OFBiz
> running in WASCE. I got conflicts between OFBiz modules when
> wanting to run multi-instances. For instance webtools have the same
> names in each instance. I thought I had an easy solution, by
> prefixing modules for each instance. But then I found 2 new problems.
> To run, OFBiz needs a classpath with some sub-directories (mostly
> config, dtd, script) of each components. So I pass them to the
> JVM. But I can't pass 2 classpathes (one for each instance) since I
> get conflict between them, though I'm not sure it's really a
> problem
> For the same reason, I must pass an "ofbiz.home" env value to the JVM
> and there I'm really caught.
> Of course if we succeed on this issue, this will benefit to the
> community at large as it will allow to run many OFBiz instances with
> only one  Tomcat engine (Geronimo embed Tomcat or Jetty). Commercially
> I believe it could be very interesting...
> I'm confident we will find soon a solution to run OFBiz under Geronimo
> itself (I tried also wiht last version : 2.1). But actually it's not a
> real problem as wasce 2 is available for free. I'm not sure about the
> sources though. Anyway, it's not bad to pretend running under an IBM
> application server, PHBs like it ;o)
> Jacques
> From: "xpingxu" <[hidden email]>
>> Hi,All
>>  now the ofbiz can't be deployed on geronimo. why?
>> somebody can be tell me. I remember the ofbiz 2.0 still
>> can be deployed some of application server(like jboss or others)
>> but now, where is the feature?
>> Xu

Ludovic Maitre -
"L'amour pour principe et l'ordre pour base; le progres pour but" (A.Comte)

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Re: about geronimo

Ludovic Maitre-2
Oups, here is a proof of concept demo of an OpenLaszlo frontend for OfBiz:
(based on the OpenLaszlo Amazon demo as stated on the artworks)

Ludovic Maitre a écrit :

> Hi Jacques,
> It's interesting, and i would be glad to read your code.
> I have too Ofbiz running under an "appserver", that is running under
> Tomcat (5, 6). I'm now working to let it run under any appserver, and
> under multiple namespaces. As you guess this need a lot of rewrite in
> the base code due to the use of statics references everywhere for
> instance. I have a bunch of modifications to the source code of Ofbiz
> which are visible heres to allow it to run under Tomcat (also a new
> template for it):
> - It
> is labeled Apache Ofbiz because this isn't a large derivation of the
> base apache source code. It just include an extra module "LzCommerce"
> which is an extension of the ecommerce website with OpenLazslo 4 (i.e
> Flash and DHTML renderings) integration and the tomcat templates. Also
> i try to implement the French accounting rules into it. And have added
> a way to load alternate entity-config.xml files.
> To allow to run OfBiz under multiple namespaces in the same
> application server (or application servers cluster [hint,hint :-)] i
> have taken another approach and so have retrofitted Ofbiz into a Maven
> 2 multiproject, and an OSGi (Sling) web application. This should allow
> to mount multiples instances of Ofbiz under different
> namespaces/webapps (and a whole lot of other things due to the
> management possibilities that OSGI provide). However i'm only at the
> beginning of the work regarding this derivation (but will achieve it),
> actually only base and start work [i'm focused on finishing the
> openlaszlo frontend and the xml rpc exports it requires]. The source
> is here:
> - 
> The most interessantr (and coded) parts are under osgi/.
> This is not really okay for public review, it lacks documentation (and
> code!), but as i've done some work in a matter related to what you
> evoke in your mail, perhaps you or others devs interested in the
> subject could take a look at it (and even give me advices on some
> points :-). I'm afraid that there is a lot of work remaining before
> beeing able to submit it as a patch to the official ofbiz, and that
> the community will not adhere to the architecture i have choosen so
> perhaps this will only remain some private forks of ofbiz, but let it
> be ;-)
> Best regards,
> Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
>> I have done some work about that these last weeks for a client. Now
>> OFBiz is running under Websphere Application Server Community
>> Edition 2 (WASCE) which  is derived from Geronimo 2.0.1. But I have a
>> problem with Geronimo itself. I will commit soon with a
>> guidelines in  OFBiz doc, still  some tests to do... I used a simple
>> approach, there are no changes in OFBiz but in appserver.
>> One point on which I failed is to allow multi-instances of OFBiz
>> running in WASCE. I got conflicts between OFBiz modules when
>> wanting to run multi-instances. For instance webtools have the same
>> names in each instance. I thought I had an easy solution, by
>> prefixing modules for each instance. But then I found 2 new problems.
>> To run, OFBiz needs a classpath with some sub-directories (mostly
>> config, dtd, script) of each components. So I pass them to the
>> JVM. But I can't pass 2 classpathes (one for each instance) since I
>> get conflict between them, though I'm not sure it's really a
>> problem
>> For the same reason, I must pass an "ofbiz.home" env value to the JVM
>> and there I'm really caught.
>> Of course if we succeed on this issue, this will benefit to the
>> community at large as it will allow to run many OFBiz instances with
>> only one  Tomcat engine (Geronimo embed Tomcat or Jetty).
>> Commercially I believe it could be very interesting...
>> I'm confident we will find soon a solution to run OFBiz under
>> Geronimo itself (I tried also wiht last version : 2.1). But actually
>> it's not a real problem as wasce 2 is available for free. I'm not
>> sure about the sources though. Anyway, it's not bad to pretend
>> running under an IBM application server, PHBs like it ;o)
>> Jacques
>> From: "xpingxu" <[hidden email]>
>>> Hi,All
>>>  now the ofbiz can't be deployed on geronimo. why?
>>> somebody can be tell me. I remember the ofbiz 2.0 still
>>> can be deployed some of application server(like jboss or others)
>>> but now, where is the feature?
>>> Xu

Ludovic Maitre -
"L'amour pour principe et l'ordre pour base; le progres pour but" (A.Comte)

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Re: about geronimo

 *Roux:* Thansk. I see your the article from
*Ludovic:* I think you can contribute the OSGI and OpenLaszlo UI feature to
the ofbiz. ofbiz can't give us surprise from long time ago.


On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 2:39 AM, Ludovic Maitre <[hidden email]>

> Oups, here is a proof of concept demo of an OpenLaszlo frontend for OfBiz:
> (based on the OpenLaszlo Amazon demo as stated on the artworks)
> Ludovic Maitre a écrit :
>  Hi Jacques,
> >
> > It's interesting, and i would be glad to read your code.
> >
> > I have too Ofbiz running under an "appserver", that is running under
> > Tomcat (5, 6). I'm now working to let it run under any appserver, and under
> > multiple namespaces. As you guess this need a lot of rewrite in the base
> > code due to the use of statics references everywhere for instance. I have a
> > bunch of modifications to the source code of Ofbiz which are visible heres
> > to allow it to run under Tomcat (also a new template for it):
> > - It is
> > labeled Apache Ofbiz because this isn't a large derivation of the base
> > apache source code. It just include an extra module "LzCommerce" which is an
> > extension of the ecommerce website with OpenLazslo 4 (i.e Flash and DHTML
> > renderings) integration and the tomcat templates. Also i try to implement
> > the French accounting rules into it. And have added a way to load alternate
> > entity-config.xml files.
> >
> > To allow to run OfBiz under multiple namespaces in the same application
> > server (or application servers cluster [hint,hint :-)] i have taken another
> > approach and so have retrofitted Ofbiz into a Maven 2 multiproject, and an
> > OSGi (Sling) web application. This should allow to mount multiples instances
> > of Ofbiz under different namespaces/webapps (and a whole lot of other things
> > due to the management possibilities that OSGI provide). However i'm only at
> > the beginning of the work regarding this derivation (but will achieve it),
> > actually only base and start work [i'm focused on finishing the openlaszlo
> > frontend and the xml rpc exports it requires]. The source is here:
> > - The
> > most interessantr (and coded) parts are under osgi/.
> >
> > This is not really okay for public review, it lacks documentation (and
> > code!), but as i've done some work in a matter related to what you evoke in
> > your mail, perhaps you or others devs interested in the subject could take a
> > look at it (and even give me advices on some points :-). I'm afraid that
> > there is a lot of work remaining before beeing able to submit it as a patch
> > to the official ofbiz, and that the community will not adhere to the
> > architecture i have choosen so perhaps this will only remain some private
> > forks of ofbiz, but let it be ;-)
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
> >
> > > I have done some work about that these last weeks for a client. Now
> > > OFBiz is running under Websphere Application Server Community
> > > Edition 2 (WASCE) which  is derived from Geronimo 2.0.1. But I have a
> > > problem with Geronimo itself. I will commit soon with a
> > > guidelines in  OFBiz doc, still  some tests to do... I used a simple
> > > approach, there are no changes in OFBiz but in appserver.
> > >
> > > One point on which I failed is to allow multi-instances of OFBiz
> > > running in WASCE. I got conflicts between OFBiz modules when
> > > wanting to run multi-instances. For instance webtools have the same
> > > names in each instance. I thought I had an easy solution, by
> > > prefixing modules for each instance. But then I found 2 new problems.
> > >
> > > To run, OFBiz needs a classpath with some sub-directories (mostly
> > > config, dtd, script) of each components. So I pass them to the
> > > JVM. But I can't pass 2 classpathes (one for each instance) since I
> > > get conflict between them, though I'm not sure it's really a
> > > problem
> > >
> > > For the same reason, I must pass an "ofbiz.home" env value to the JVM
> > > and there I'm really caught.
> > >
> > > Of course if we succeed on this issue, this will benefit to the
> > > community at large as it will allow to run many OFBiz instances with
> > > only one  Tomcat engine (Geronimo embed Tomcat or Jetty). Commercially
> > > I believe it could be very interesting...
> > >
> > > I'm confident we will find soon a solution to run OFBiz under Geronimo
> > > itself (I tried also wiht last version : 2.1). But actually it's not a real
> > > problem as wasce 2 is available for free. I'm not sure about the sources
> > > though. Anyway, it's not bad to pretend running under an IBM application
> > > server, PHBs like it ;o)
> > >
> > > Jacques
> > >
> > > From: "xpingxu" <[hidden email]>
> > >
> > > > Hi,All
> > > >  now the ofbiz can't be deployed on geronimo. why?
> > > > somebody can be tell me. I remember the ofbiz 2.0 still
> > > > can be deployed some of application server(like jboss or others)
> > > > but now, where is the feature?
> > > > Xu
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> --
> Cordialement,
> Ludovic Maitre -
> ---
> "L'amour pour principe et l'ordre pour base; le progres pour but"
> (A.Comte)
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Re: about geronimo

Shi Yusen
In reply to this post by Ludovic Maitre-2
The flash template is really interesting. Thanks for your information.

在 2008-04-02三的 20:39 +0200,Ludovic Maitre写道:

> Oups, here is a proof of concept demo of an OpenLaszlo frontend for OfBiz:
> (based on the OpenLaszlo Amazon demo as stated on the artworks)
> Ludovic Maitre a écrit :
> > Hi Jacques,
> >
> > It's interesting, and i would be glad to read your code.
> >
> > I have too Ofbiz running under an "appserver", that is running under
> > Tomcat (5, 6). I'm now working to let it run under any appserver, and
> > under multiple namespaces. As you guess this need a lot of rewrite in
> > the base code due to the use of statics references everywhere for
> > instance. I have a bunch of modifications to the source code of Ofbiz
> > which are visible heres to allow it to run under Tomcat (also a new
> > template for it):
> > - It
> > is labeled Apache Ofbiz because this isn't a large derivation of the
> > base apache source code. It just include an extra module "LzCommerce"
> > which is an extension of the ecommerce website with OpenLazslo 4 (i.e
> > Flash and DHTML renderings) integration and the tomcat templates. Also
> > i try to implement the French accounting rules into it. And have added
> > a way to load alternate entity-config.xml files.
> >
> > To allow to run OfBiz under multiple namespaces in the same
> > application server (or application servers cluster [hint,hint :-)] i
> > have taken another approach and so have retrofitted Ofbiz into a Maven
> > 2 multiproject, and an OSGi (Sling) web application. This should allow
> > to mount multiples instances of Ofbiz under different
> > namespaces/webapps (and a whole lot of other things due to the
> > management possibilities that OSGI provide). However i'm only at the
> > beginning of the work regarding this derivation (but will achieve it),
> > actually only base and start work [i'm focused on finishing the
> > openlaszlo frontend and the xml rpc exports it requires]. The source
> > is here:
> > - 
> > The most interessantr (and coded) parts are under osgi/.
> >
> > This is not really okay for public review, it lacks documentation (and
> > code!), but as i've done some work in a matter related to what you
> > evoke in your mail, perhaps you or others devs interested in the
> > subject could take a look at it (and even give me advices on some
> > points :-). I'm afraid that there is a lot of work remaining before
> > beeing able to submit it as a patch to the official ofbiz, and that
> > the community will not adhere to the architecture i have choosen so
> > perhaps this will only remain some private forks of ofbiz, but let it
> > be ;-)
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
> >> I have done some work about that these last weeks for a client. Now
> >> OFBiz is running under Websphere Application Server Community
> >> Edition 2 (WASCE) which  is derived from Geronimo 2.0.1. But I have a
> >> problem with Geronimo itself. I will commit soon with a
> >> guidelines in  OFBiz doc, still  some tests to do... I used a simple
> >> approach, there are no changes in OFBiz but in appserver.
> >>
> >> One point on which I failed is to allow multi-instances of OFBiz
> >> running in WASCE. I got conflicts between OFBiz modules when
> >> wanting to run multi-instances. For instance webtools have the same
> >> names in each instance. I thought I had an easy solution, by
> >> prefixing modules for each instance. But then I found 2 new problems.
> >>
> >> To run, OFBiz needs a classpath with some sub-directories (mostly
> >> config, dtd, script) of each components. So I pass them to the
> >> JVM. But I can't pass 2 classpathes (one for each instance) since I
> >> get conflict between them, though I'm not sure it's really a
> >> problem
> >>
> >> For the same reason, I must pass an "ofbiz.home" env value to the JVM
> >> and there I'm really caught.
> >>
> >> Of course if we succeed on this issue, this will benefit to the
> >> community at large as it will allow to run many OFBiz instances with
> >> only one  Tomcat engine (Geronimo embed Tomcat or Jetty).
> >> Commercially I believe it could be very interesting...
> >>
> >> I'm confident we will find soon a solution to run OFBiz under
> >> Geronimo itself (I tried also wiht last version : 2.1). But actually
> >> it's not a real problem as wasce 2 is available for free. I'm not
> >> sure about the sources though. Anyway, it's not bad to pretend
> >> running under an IBM application server, PHBs like it ;o)
> >>
> >> Jacques
> >>
> >> From: "xpingxu" <[hidden email]>
> >>> Hi,All
> >>>  now the ofbiz can't be deployed on geronimo. why?
> >>> somebody can be tell me. I remember the ofbiz 2.0 still
> >>> can be deployed some of application server(like jboss or others)
> >>> but now, where is the feature?
> >>> Xu
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >

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Re: about geronimo

Jacques Le Roux
In reply to this post by Ludovic Maitre-2
Hi Ludovic,

My work is nearly finished and already commited
If interested see revisions 646349 643174 643173 and Guidelines in

It's something really simple done in the appserver spirit. It works well so far...


From: "Ludovic Maitre" <[hidden email]>

> Oups, here is a proof of concept demo of an OpenLaszlo frontend for OfBiz:
> (based on the OpenLaszlo Amazon demo as stated on the artworks)
> Ludovic Maitre a écrit :
>> Hi Jacques,
>> It's interesting, and i would be glad to read your code.
>> I have too Ofbiz running under an "appserver", that is running under Tomcat (5, 6). I'm now working to let it run under any
>> appserver, and under multiple namespaces. As you guess this need a lot of rewrite in the base code due to the use of statics
>> references everywhere for instance. I have a bunch of modifications to the source code of Ofbiz which are visible heres to allow
>> it to run under Tomcat (also a new template for it):
>> - It is labeled Apache Ofbiz because this isn't a large
>> derivation of the base apache source code. It just include an extra module "LzCommerce" which is an extension of the ecommerce
>> website with OpenLazslo 4 (i.e Flash and DHTML renderings) integration and the tomcat templates. Also i try to implement the
>> French accounting rules into it. And have added a way to load alternate entity-config.xml files.
>> To allow to run OfBiz under multiple namespaces in the same application server (or application servers cluster [hint,hint :-)] i
>> have taken another approach and so have retrofitted Ofbiz into a Maven 2 multiproject, and an OSGi (Sling) web application. This
>> should allow to mount multiples instances of Ofbiz under different namespaces/webapps (and a whole lot of other things due to the
>> management possibilities that OSGI provide). However i'm only at the beginning of the work regarding this derivation (but will
>> achieve it), actually only base and start work [i'm focused on finishing the openlaszlo frontend and the xml rpc exports it
>> requires]. The source is here:
>> - The most interessantr (and coded) parts are under osgi/.
>> This is not really okay for public review, it lacks documentation (and code!), but as i've done some work in a matter related to
>> what you evoke in your mail, perhaps you or others devs interested in the subject could take a look at it (and even give me
>> advices on some points :-). I'm afraid that there is a lot of work remaining before beeing able to submit it as a patch to the
>> official ofbiz, and that the community will not adhere to the architecture i have choosen so perhaps this will only remain some
>> private forks of ofbiz, but let it be ;-)
>> Best regards,
>> Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
>>> I have done some work about that these last weeks for a client. Now OFBiz is running under Websphere Application Server
>>> Community
>>> Edition 2 (WASCE) which  is derived from Geronimo 2.0.1. But I have a problem with Geronimo itself. I will commit soon with a
>>> guidelines in  OFBiz doc, still  some tests to do... I used a simple approach, there are no changes in OFBiz but in appserver.
>>> One point on which I failed is to allow multi-instances of OFBiz running in WASCE. I got conflicts between OFBiz modules when
>>> wanting to run multi-instances. For instance webtools have the same names in each instance. I thought I had an easy solution, by
>>> prefixing modules for each instance. But then I found 2 new problems.
>>> To run, OFBiz needs a classpath with some sub-directories (mostly config, dtd, script) of each components. So I pass them to the
>>> JVM. But I can't pass 2 classpathes (one for each instance) since I get conflict between them, though I'm not sure it's really a
>>> problem
>>> For the same reason, I must pass an "ofbiz.home" env value to the JVM and there I'm really caught.
>>> Of course if we succeed on this issue, this will benefit to the community at large as it will allow to run many OFBiz instances
>>> with
>>> only one  Tomcat engine (Geronimo embed Tomcat or Jetty). Commercially I believe it could be very interesting...
>>> I'm confident we will find soon a solution to run OFBiz under Geronimo itself (I tried also wiht last version : 2.1). But
>>> actually it's not a real problem as wasce 2 is available for free. I'm not sure about the sources though. Anyway, it's not bad
>>> to pretend running under an IBM application server, PHBs like it ;o)
>>> Jacques
>>> From: "xpingxu" <[hidden email]>
>>>> Hi,All
>>>>  now the ofbiz can't be deployed on geronimo. why?
>>>> somebody can be tell me. I remember the ofbiz 2.0 still
>>>> can be deployed some of application server(like jboss or others)
>>>> but now, where is the feature?
>>>> Xu
> --
> Cordialement,
> Ludovic Maitre -
> ---
> "L'amour pour principe et l'ordre pour base; le progres pour but" (A.Comte)