I was right to create OFBIZ-11094 and INFRA-20148 we have few 3 license issues in R18:
https://ci.apache.org/projects/ofbiz/site/next/rat-output.htmlWe certainly forgot to backport from trunk
OK, I'll now do the same for stable and hopefully that's it
Thanks to Olivier to initially works on INFRA-20311
Le 09/06/2020 à 10:52,
[hidden email] a écrit :
> The Buildbot has detected a restored build on builder ofbizNextFrameworkRat while building . Full details are available at:
> Buildbot URL:
> Buildslave for this Build: asf945_ubuntu
> Build Reason: forced: by IRC user <jleroux> (privmsg): forces manual build after INFRA-20148
> Build Source Stamp: HEAD
> Blamelist:
> Build succeeded!
> Sincerely,
> -The Buildbot