Re: delete Communication Events

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Re: delete Communication Events

BJ Freeman
I moving this to the dev list.

I am looking at the services:

   <simple-method method-name="deleteCommunicationEvent"
short-description="Delete a CommunicationEvent">
         <check-permission permission="PARTYMGR" action="_CME_DELETE">
             <fail-property resource="PartyUiLabels"

         <entity-one entity-name="CommunicationEvent" value-name="event"/>
         <remove-value value-name="event"/>

I have not found any info that tells me if this deletes the underlying
entities connected to this ID.

As far as I undertand the entity code, it does not walks the entity
relationships to find ones with the communicaitonID.

So if I am one the right path, there should be list of calls to the
underlying entities that are deleted before the communicationsevent is

any input is appreciated.

BJ Freeman sent the following on 6/27/2006 9:13 AM:

> I am using this as a learning tool.
> I looked at the service for deleting CommunicationsEvents
> I want to create a new service that allows me to delete a range of
> communication events, By Date
> https://localhost:8443/partymgr/control/deleteCommunicationEvent?communicationEventId=10059 
> It looks like, from the controller and services, the delete does not
> address any underlying relationships, like in a email.
> Am I missing something.