Re: how is the data saved into the tables from a dropdown list

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Re: how is the data saved into the tables from a dropdown list

BJ Freeman
ftl and widget are used to display data only
the data is passed through the controller to a event or service that
then saves the data.

BJ Freeman
Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation <> <>

Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist

Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man

tiffanymlk sent the following on 3/29/2010 11:58 AM:

> hi,
> I'm new to customizing OFBiz ERP and whilst trying to do so, I came across a
> problem.
> I need to customize the EditProject screen in the Project Module in order
> for the user to be able to update a project's status freely.
> So far I have created the required dropdown list with the list of possible
> statuses I require. The problem is that when I click the 'Save' button in
> the form, the status is not updated (in the work_effort table). I tried to
> see how other dropdown lists update entities in the tables, for example, in
> the same form, a dropdown lists exists to change the 'Parent Project Name'.
> However, I still couldn't understand how this is done.
> In the ProjectForms.xml file I inserted the following code for displaying
> the dropdown list:
> <field use-when="project!=null" name="currentStatusId"
> title="${uiLabelMap.CommonStatus}" parameter-name="dummy"><drop-down
> allow-empty="false">  
>                  <entity-options entity-name="StatusItem"
> description="${description}" key-field-name="statusId">
>                 <entity-constraint name="statusTypeId"
> value="PROJECT_STATUS"/>
>                  </entity-options>
>             </drop-down></field>
> What would be the next for me, to actually update the table with the chosen
> item?
> Any help is much appreciated,
> Steph