Big +1 on the service definition enhancement, I cringe whenever I see
an undocumented List or Map as an attribute because I have to go
digging to find out what it is.
In general I like generics and I've been adding it whenever I have
time. My main complaint about UtilMisc is that a decent portion of
the usefulness has disappeared, for example I want to create a list of
List<EntityCondition> condList =
"thruDate")); // Not allowed even though EntityDateFilterCondition
extends EntityCondition
or this common map usage:
Map<String, Object> serviceMap = UtilMisc.toMap("param1",
"aString"); // Eclipse doesn't complain but results in a compile time
serviceMap.put("param2", aBigDecimal);
I just don't like having to force it to use my types by repeating
myself with another set of <...>. It gets to the point where it's
easier to use the javolution collections and have the extra
newInstance line.
On 17/09/2009, at 3:25 AM, Adam Heath wrote:
> Scott Gray wrote:
>> Well I'm glad we've managed to solve a problem that has caused us so
>> many issues in the past.
> It's not just about solving problems. It's also about documentation.
> I've thought about extending the service engine, so that parameter
> definitions can have generics markup. Initially, the extra markup
> would just be thrown away(this is how groovy deals with generics).