Refactoring-- proposal--Adding Industry Section in SVN

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Refactoring-- proposal--Adding Industry Section in SVN

BJ Freeman
Like to add off the root folder called Industry. Currently Manufacturing
and Ecommerce would be moved there.

Also like to create a folder under industry for Contributors. The other
configuration that may make more sense is Contributors off the root and
under that industry. This where where the Hotel that Franz did and
Wholesale that Si id can be put. Other contributors can then put their
Industry offerings.

The contribution folder would denote That this code is note supported by
the contributors, and not part of the main Ofbiz distribution.

The specifics of the Industry folder would have Loading in of all the
modules necessary for that industry and the entities specific to it.

There would be a entry in each industry folder that would associate the
  data for that industry. instance the Manufacturing Industry would not
need the States for Insurance industry.
Why this configuration? Suppose the enterprise has more that one
industry, all being run from the same instance of ofbiz. This would
allow for that.