Retrieving forgotten passwords

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Retrieving forgotten passwords


I'm workin on ofbiz security,i would like to add the option "Retrieving forgotten passwords".

I added the bloc  under  the path applications/party/webapp/partymgr/WEB-INF/ on the controller.xml as is showen on the ofbiz manuel:

<request-map uri="forgotpassword">
<security https="true" auth="false"/>
<event type="java" path="org.ofbiz.securityext.login.LoginEvents"
<response name="success" type="view" value="login"/>
<response name="error" type="view" value="login"/>

Now,i would add in the Freemarker the following bloc,but i m not sure because i found it in the net:

<#-- Note: the user must supply a valid userLoginId in the
"Username" field for this to work -->
<#-- If they don't, an error message will be returned -->
<form method="post" action="<@ofbizUrl>forgotpassword</@ofbizUrl>"
name="forgotpassword" style="margin: 0;">
<input type="text" size="20" class="inputBox" name="USERNAME"
value="<#if requestParameters.USERNAME?has_content>
<#elseif autoUserLogin?has_content>
<input type="submit" name="EMAIL_PASSWORD" class="smallSubmit"

the best free marker is  /applications/securityext/email/default/passwordemail.ftl or there is on other freeMArker?

Or existing another  Freemarker

I m waiting news from you,
