From: "Pierre Smits" <
[hidden email]>
To: <
[hidden email]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 12:42 PM
Subject: Revisiting SFA components and Order Management components
> When going through functiionalities of the SFA components and the components
> of the Order module I see some choices that seem odd to me.
> Shouldn't functionalities like registering and viewing customer requests and
> orders be also available (or even moved/copied over to) the SFA module, so
> that this creates an easier Way of Working for SFA officials?
> Now the functionalities for creating opportunities and request are spread
> among the two separate modules. But, I guess, that registering request for
> customers and suppliers are set together because the seem alike.
I think so, but that should not prevent us to make customer services people work easier. We could have both I mean.
> Regards,
> Pierre.