SFA Manager Application

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SFA Manager Application

Stephen Rufle-2
 I am running trunk 738606.

Trying to "Create New Account"

In the "Primary Phone Number" section if you enter an extension it is
ignored. I was able to verify that the ext was not actually saved by
going to "Party: tab and viewing the just created PartyGroup profile.


and looking at the "Primary Phone Number" section in the "Contact
Information" box.

I actually stumbled across this issue while I was trying to use the
createAccount service method from Java
I think a related issue may be that if I try to pass "extensionCode" on
to the  createAccount method I get the following exception [1], If I
remove the parm from the passed map all seems to work ok.

2009-01-28 13:32:32,567 (http- [      
ModelService.java:545:ERROR] [ModelService.validate] : {createAccount} :
(IN) Required test error: org.ofbiz.service.ServiceValidationException:
Unknown parameter found: [createAccount.extensionCode]
2009-01-28 13:32:32,583 (http- [
---- exception report
Incoming context (in runSync : createAccount) does not match expected
Exception: org.ofbiz.service.ServiceValidationException
Message: Unknown parameter found: [createAccount.extensionCode]
---- stack trace
org.ofbiz.service.ServiceValidationException: Unknown parameter found:

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Re: SFA Manager Application

Jacques Le Roux
Hi Stephen,

SFA is still in development, please fell free to open a Jira issue and provide a patch



From: "Stephen Rufle" <[hidden email]>

> I am running trunk 738606.
> Trying to "Create New Account"
> https://localhost:8443/sfa/control/NewAccounts
> In the "Primary Phone Number" section if you enter an extension it is
> ignored. I was able to verify that the ext was not actually saved by
> going to "Party: tab and viewing the just created PartyGroup profile.
> https://localhost:8443/partymgr/control/viewprofile?partyId=10000
> and looking at the "Primary Phone Number" section in the "Contact
> Information" box.
> I actually stumbled across this issue while I was trying to use the
> createAccount service method from Java
> (/ofbiz/applications/marketing/script/org/ofbiz/sfa/account/AccountServices.xml#createAccount).
> I think a related issue may be that if I try to pass "extensionCode" on
> to the  createAccount method I get the following exception [1], If I
> remove the parm from the passed map all seems to work ok.
> [1]
> 2009-01-28 13:32:32,567 (http- [      
> ModelService.java:545:ERROR] [ModelService.validate] : {createAccount} :
> (IN) Required test error: org.ofbiz.service.ServiceValidationException:
> Unknown parameter found: [createAccount.extensionCode]
> 2009-01-28 13:32:32,583 (http- [
> ServiceDispatcher.java:368:ERROR]
> ---- exception report
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Incoming context (in runSync : createAccount) does not match expected
> requirements
> Exception: org.ofbiz.service.ServiceValidationException
> Message: Unknown parameter found: [createAccount.extensionCode]
> ---- stack trace
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> org.ofbiz.service.ServiceValidationException: Unknown parameter found:
> [createAccount.extensionCode]
> org.ofbiz.service.ModelService.validate(ModelService.java:607)
> org.ofbiz.service.ModelService.validate(ModelService.java:543)
> org.ofbiz.service.ServiceDispatcher.runSync(ServiceDispatcher.java:366)
> org.ofbiz.service.ServiceDispatcher.runSync(ServiceDispatcher.java:213)
> org.ofbiz.service.GenericDispatcher.runSync(GenericDispatcher.java:149)
> com.turtle.services.sfa.CustomerEvents.saveCustomer(CustomerEvents.java:91)