SVN Move Complete

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SVN Move Complete

David E. Jones

The move to the new ASF Subversion server is now complete. No new updates will be committed to the old server (at so everyone keeping with SVN or checking out new code should use the new SVN repository. And of course, all committers should use the new repository.

Here is the svn command you would now use to check out from the new repository:

$ svn co ofbiz

Committers please note: use HTTPS instead of HTTP (and yes you'll need username/password for that as before).

As I noted in my previous email (Moving to the Apache SVN Server on the ofbiz-dev list on 20060629) you can point to the new SVN server from an existing checkout using the following command:

$ svn switch framework/

I highly recommend reading that other email if your thinking about using this... Note that since not all of the old repository is moved over (the the website directory is in a different place) you'll need to do this per resource in the ofbiz.home directory, like the framework directory in the example above.

For those using a private SVN repository and the vendor branch pattern, you can just export from the new repository and import as normal into your ofbiz branch.

The code in this new ASF repository comes from revision 7923 in the old SVN repository (in

We all understand that this is an inconvenience, but it is an important part of the Apache incubation process for OFBiz. To make this more fun, note that when we graduate from incubation the SVN URL will change again...
