Screen Decorators

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Screen Decorators

Hi everyone,

First, sorry for the noob question…

Wanted to know if there was a way to incorporate custom screens and decorators into a theme and have them override the framework application ones.

Or would it be necessary to modify the global decorator in the framework and all the particular screens in each app to conform to the desired layout of the theme?



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Re: Screen Decorators

Would it be enough to create a CommonScreens.xml, add all the particular screens there and register it in web.xml of the theme as a context-param?

On 04/02/16 12:03, "imac" <[hidden email]> wrote:

>Hi everyone,
>First, sorry for the noob question…
>Wanted to know if there was a way to incorporate custom screens and decorators into a theme and have them override the framework application ones.
>Or would it be necessary to modify the global decorator in the framework and all the particular screens in each app to conform to the desired layout of the theme?

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Re: Screen Decorators

Hi Ed,

Did you try this documentation ?

Especially this part :

Because you will learn how you can disconnect your screen from the
framework and theme decorator.

When you'll better understand that, I can help you to understand how to
make your own decoration ;)

hope that help,


Le 04/02/2016 12:07, imac a écrit :

> Would it be enough to create a CommonScreens.xml, add all the particular screens there and register it in web.xml of the theme as a context-param?
> On 04/02/16 12:03, "imac" <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> First, sorry for the noob question…
>> Wanted to know if there was a way to incorporate custom screens and decorators into a theme and have them override the framework application ones.
>> Or would it be necessary to modify the global decorator in the framework and all the particular screens in each app to conform to the desired layout of the theme?
>> Thanks
>> Ed

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Re: Screen Decorators

Thanks Julien,

Let me get my head around it for a fews days and then I’ll get to you.

On 04/02/16 12:36, "Julien NICOLAS" <[hidden email]> wrote:

>Hi Ed,
>Did you try this documentation ?
>Especially this part :
>Because you will learn how you can disconnect your screen from the
>framework and theme decorator.
>When you'll better understand that, I can help you to understand how to
>make your own decoration ;)
>hope that help,
>Le 04/02/2016 12:07, imac a écrit :
>> Would it be enough to create a CommonScreens.xml, add all the particular screens there and register it in web.xml of the theme as a context-param?
>> On 04/02/16 12:03, "imac" <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> First, sorry for the noob question…
>>> Wanted to know if there was a way to incorporate custom screens and decorators into a theme and have them override the framework application ones.
>>> Or would it be necessary to modify the global decorator in the framework and all the particular screens in each app to conform to the desired layout of the theme?
>>> Thanks
>>> Ed