Hi All,
I have created a Contact List and also associated parties with this
list. Now I want to send an email to the member of contact list. I
searched on mailing list archive and find the solution in this link:
http://apache.markmail.org/search/?q=contactList#query:contactList%20list%3Aorg.apache.ofbiz.user%20type%3Ausers+page:1+mid:ziaa6kot4d2fqsm5+state:resultsI performed the action according to the above description , but when I
create a new CommEvent with a status "Entered" and after it when I
update it then there is no option for status "In-Progress".
So emails are not triggered to all the subscribed members of the ContactList.
Does any other functionality exist in Ofbiz for this? Please share it with me.