Shark on OFBiz (?)

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Shark on OFBiz (?)

Tapani Liukkonen

I am currently going thru open source applications with workflow
capabilities, and this
lead me to the OFBiz. At this phase I'm just going thru the
documentation and websites, codedwelling and installations come
later..(this to explain why I haven't looked the first thing from the
code or tested it personally).

While going thru the web page of the project, I found this: .
Does this "shark integration will probably become  the default
workflow engine for OFBiz" mean that:

i) OFBiz's workflow engine is now a fork from Shark, or
ii) current Shark engine is now used by the OFBiz and updated to
recent versions of Shark?

If(probably) I have completely misunderstanded the situation of OFBiz
workflow engine, could someone direct me to page/forum/etc/ where the
current development of workflow-side is handled.


As a another mater:

I had few issues with one of the pages at OFBiz website:

1) On the "Documents to other sites"-section, the link of "OFBiz: An
Insider's View by Basil Arkasosy", the address contains a
""-part, which has additional number 1 on
it, when it is removed the address works.

2) On same page, in the "Main documentation"-section I can't open any
of the "Framework  APIs"- nor "Application APIs"-links. Example:
"Shark(Embedded) API" leads to "Not Found The requested URL
/ofbiz/api/framework/shark/build/javadocs/index.html was not found on
this server"

Yours, Tapani L.