Shipping Configuration Issue

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Shipping Configuration Issue




I am having an odd problem;



The shipping configuration settings in the xml (storeShipping.xml) do not
match what the order process presents as the shippings options.



1. The settings in 'Catalog > Stores > Shipping >' show 8 different methods
(estimateID | method) which I had setup in the xml file


2. The order entry shipping options do not have the same 8 settings, they
have the original 4 settings that were there before I actually made the
changes. So when you are in the order entry processyou see the original
settings not the new settings that I have added.


3. I did use the 'Web Tools > XML Import to import this file'. But the
settings don't seem to have been 'activated', do I need to run a service
update.and if so would that affect my other custom settings to do with
product layout and other related settings?




Any ideas anyone!


Would be grateful to hear any suggestions, I do have some screenshots if
anyone would like to take a look.




Thanks & Regards,
