Scott Gray wrote:
> On 16/03/2010, at 6:27 PM, Adam Heath wrote:
>> Omg. I'm floored.
>> ShoppingCartItem.getSize() does not deal with uom *at all*. Then,
>> that method is so very broken; it has no idea how to do volume at all!
>> length, width, height is used to calculate the volume. And the
>> algorithm it uses is...
>> wait for it...
>> (length+length)+(width+width)+height
>> Surface area of a cube: 2a*b + 2b*c + 2a*c
>> Volume of a cube: a*b*c
>> getSize() is none of these.
> Right or wrong, it looks like there was a reason: If ups needs something special, then ups should do it.
getSize() is too generic of a name.
Fixing this could cause all sorts of funkiness everywhere. But it
must be done, because what is happening currently is not right in the