Should Production run task quantity produced be based on sum of quantity produced of it's declarations?

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Should Production run task quantity produced be based on sum of quantity produced of it's declarations?

Christian Carlow-OFBizzer
Currently if the sum of a production run task declarations is is not
used to determine the quantity produced of the task when completed.
Instead the task quantity produced is updated to the quantity to
produced minus the declared rejected quantities.  So rejected quantity
be declared in order for a task's quantity produced to be less than it's
quantity to produce.

This issue seems to be a bug.  What if a production run is created to
produce 2 but only 1 is declared while the other was returned as
material.  Shouldn't the quantity produced be 1 and not 2 after the task
is complete?
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Re: Should Production run task quantity produced be based on sum of quantity produced of it's declarations?

Pierre Smits

Clearly this should be included as a comment on


Pierre Smits

Services & Solutions for Cloud-
Based Manufacturing, Professional
Services and Retail & Trade

On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 9:23 PM, Christian Carlow <
[hidden email]> wrote:

> Currently if the sum of a production run task declarations is is not used
> to determine the quantity produced of the task when completed. Instead the
> task quantity produced is updated to the quantity to produced minus the
> declared rejected quantities.  So rejected quantity be declared in order
> for a task's quantity produced to be less than it's quantity to produce.
> This issue seems to be a bug.  What if a production run is created to
> produce 2 but only 1 is declared while the other was returned as material.
>  Shouldn't the quantity produced be 1 and not 2 after the task is complete?