Shouldn't the maximum declaration amount of the task responsible for issuing components be limited to the amount issued?

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Shouldn't the maximum declaration amount of the task responsible for issuing components be limited to the amount issued?

Christian Carlow-OFBizzer
Arbitrary quantityProduced values may be specified for production run
declarations.  In a previous post, it was agreed that the
quantityProduced should be limited to the quantityProduced of the
previous task.  Shouldn't this logic apply to the task that is
responsible for stocking out materials also?  For example, if I have a
production run to create 10 GZ-BASKET but issue only 1 of its GZ-1000
components, shouldn't the quantity produced of that task be limited to 1
since the remaining 9 GZ-1000 components haven't been issued yet?  
Currently it allows for any value such as 1000 to be entered as the
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Re: Shouldn't the maximum declaration amount of the task responsible for issuing components be limited to the amount issued?

Christian Carlow-OFBizzer
If the quantityProduced amount for the material-stock-out task should be
limited to the amount of materials issued, then I'm not sure how to
handle tasks that might occur before the material-stock-out task.  The
first task of a production run is automatically chosen as the
material-stock-out task if one isn't chosen.  I can't think of a reason
why material stock out would occur after prior tasks and if those prior
tasks would need to declare quantityProduced.  Anyone have suggestions?

On 02/25/2014 10:21 AM, Christian Carlow wrote:

> Arbitrary quantityProduced values may be specified for production run
> declarations.  In a previous post, it was agreed that the
> quantityProduced should be limited to the quantityProduced of the
> previous task.  Shouldn't this logic apply to the task that is
> responsible for stocking out materials also?  For example, if I have a
> production run to create 10 GZ-BASKET but issue only 1 of its GZ-1000
> components, shouldn't the quantity produced of that task be limited to
> 1 since the remaining 9 GZ-1000 components haven't been issued yet?  
> Currently it allows for any value such as 1000 to be entered as the
> quantityProduced.