Split PST files Quickly

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Split PST files Quickly

There are many manual methods that are used to split the PST file, but these manual methods are risky to perform, and users might lose data integrity. To avoid all these problems, we need an automatic tool which is used to break the large PST files without file size limitations. Shoviv PST Splitter Tool is the tool that is used to break the PST file into smaller PSTs and keep the data integrity as it is. The tool provides many features and options that help users customize the data according to their needs. The tool can process multiple PST files, and no matter which version of the PST file the user has, it can split quickly. This application has a demo version of the tool; users can install it and explore all its features for free.

Follow these steps to split the PST files:

1. Get the application from the Shoviv website.
2. Install and launch it on your system.
3. Choose all bulky PST files that you want to split.
4. Now, choose any criteria to split: Size, year, folder, or date.
5. Select the location to save the output PST files.
6. Then, hit the split button to initiate the process.

Read More: Split PST file