Use the Content/DataResource/ElectronicText entities and look at CmsSiteDemoData.xml for example usage.
Once you've defined Content records you can then include them in the screen widget using the content tag:
<content content-id="YOUR_CONTENT_ID"/>
There are plenty of ways to render content though, that is just one method.
HotWax Media
----- Original Message -----
From: "Len" <
[hidden email]>
[hidden email]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 9:48:19 PM (GMT+1000) Auto-Detected
Subject: Store/Display Static Content
I would like to store static HTML content in the DB to be displayed in a
browser when asked for; is there a DB construct in Ofbiz that already
handles this?
Thank You
Len Shein
[hidden email]>
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[hidden email]
Office: 516.742.7888 ext. 225
Office: 732.333.4303