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Hi all
I'm asking how can I handle subscriptions in the following way through ofbiz
I want to handle subscriptions for magazines journals and such things for my customer.
The subscription will contain the basic information like any subscription as dates and frequency and such things but I ant them to be kind of orders I want the subscription be approved and treated financially just as an order.

I know there is a subscription module in catalog but it's not related to the order right?
It doesnt follow the order's cycle.

How can I manage subscription for magazines and journals from the users point of view ?

Thanks a lot
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Re: Subscriptions

Any help about subscriptions guys?
I just want to achieve the following scenario

install magazines and articles as subscription and the use them in my order so that any customer can order them
I realized subscriptions are not related to order then what I should do ?
I just want the customer to ask for a monthly magazine instead of order product with the fixed selling price