Tax Information

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Tax Information

Tim Ruppert
If anyone would like to contribute their TaxAuthority seed data file -
it would be a great benefit.  I'm having trouble getting the
DemoTaxAuthority.xml translated to do just california based taxes.

I've added the GIAccount entries from the
DemoGeneralChartOfAccounts.xml, but I want to add counties, etc to the
list as well?

I"ve attached my existing CompanyTaxAuthority.xml at the end of the email.


Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!-- LIABILITIES -->
  <GlAccount parentGlAccountId="" glAccountId="200000" accountCode="200000"
    glAccountClassId="LIABILITY" glAccountTypeId="" glResourceTypeId="MONEY"  
    accountName="LIABILITIES" description="" postedBalance="0.0"/>

  <GlAccount parentGlAccountId="200000" glAccountId="220000" accountCode="220000"
    glAccountClassId="CURRENT_LIABILITY" glAccountTypeId="CURRENT_LIABILITY" glResourceTypeId="MONEY"  
    accountName="ACCRUED EXPENSES" description="" postedBalance="0.0"/>
  <GlAccount parentGlAccountId="220000" glAccountId="221000" accountCode="221000"
    glAccountClassId="CURRENT_LIABILITY" glAccountTypeId="CURRENT_LIABILITY" glResourceTypeId="MONEY"  
    accountName="ACCRUED PAYROLL" description="" postedBalance="0.0"/>

  <GlAccount parentGlAccountId="220000" glAccountId="224000" accountCode="224000"
    glAccountClassId="CURRENT_LIABILITY" glAccountTypeId="CURRENT_LIABILITY" glResourceTypeId="MONEY"  
    accountName="SALES TAX COLLECTED" description="" postedBalance="0.0"/>

    <!-- USA Sales Tax Accounts -->
    <GlAccount parentGlAccountId="224000" glAccountId="224100" accountCode="224100" glAccountClassId="CURRENT_LIABILITY" glAccountTypeId="CURRENT_LIABILITY" glResourceTypeId="MONEY"  
        accountName="SALES TAX COLLECTED USA" description="" postedBalance="0.0"/>
    <GlAccount parentGlAccountId="224100" glAccountId="224106" accountCode="224106" glAccountClassId="CURRENT_LIABILITY" glAccountTypeId="CURRENT_LIABILITY" glResourceTypeId="MONEY"  
        accountName="SALES TAX COLLECTED USA - CA" description="" postedBalance="0.0"/>

    <!-- Tax Parties -->
    <Party partyId="USA_IRS" partyTypeId="PARTY_GROUP"/>
    <PartyGroup partyId="USA_IRS" groupName="United States of America - Internal Revenue Service"/>
    <PartyRole partyId="USA_IRS" roleTypeId="TAX_AUTHORITY"/>

    <Party partyId="CA_BOE" partyTypeId="PARTY_GROUP"/>
    <PartyGroup partyId="CA_BOE" groupName="State of Calilfornia Board of Equalization"/>
    <ContactMech contactMechId="CA_BOE_0" contactMechTypeId="POSTAL_ADDRESS"/>
    <PostalAddress contactMechId="CA_BOE_0" toName="Board of Equalization" address1="P O BOX 942879" city="Sacramento" stateProvinceGeoId="CA" postalCode="94279" countryGeoId="USA"/>
    <PartyContactMech partyId="CA_BOE" contactMechId="CA_BOE_0" fromDate="2000-01-01 00:00:00.000" allowSolicitation="N"/>
    <PartyContactMechPurpose partyId="CA_BOE" contactMechId="CA_BOE_0" contactMechPurposeTypeId="PAYMENT_LOCATION" fromDate="2000-01-01 00:00:00.000"/>
    <PartyRole partyId="CA_BOE" roleTypeId="TAX_AUTHORITY"/>

    <!-- _NA_ TaxAuthority defs -->
    <TaxAuthority taxAuthGeoId="_NA_" taxAuthPartyId="_NA_" includeTaxInPrice="N"/>
    <TaxAuthorityGlAccount taxAuthGeoId="_NA_" taxAuthPartyId="_NA_" organizationPartyId="Company" glAccountId="224000"/>
    <TaxAuthorityCategory taxAuthGeoId="_NA_" taxAuthPartyId="_NA_" productCategoryId="100"/>

   <!-- taxAuthorityRateSeqId left blank to be auto-sequenced during the EE XML import -->
    <TaxAuthorityRateProduct taxAuthorityRateSeqId="9000" taxAuthGeoId="_NA_" taxAuthPartyId="_NA_" taxAuthorityRateTypeId="SALES_TAX" productStoreId="9000"
        productCategoryId="" titleTransferEnumId="" minItemPrice="25.00" minPurchase="0.00" taxShipping="N" taxPercentage="1"
        fromDate="2001-05-13 00:00:00.001" thruDate="" description="1% OFB _NA_ Tax"/>

    <!-- USA TaxAuthority defs -->
    <TaxAuthority taxAuthGeoId="USA" taxAuthPartyId="USA_IRS" taxIdFormatPattern="\d{2}\-\d{7}|\d{3}\-\d{2}\-\d{4}" includeTaxInPrice="N"/>
    <TaxAuthorityGlAccount taxAuthGeoId="USA" taxAuthPartyId="USA_IRS" organizationPartyId="Company" glAccountId="224106"/>

    <TaxAuthority taxAuthGeoId="CA" taxAuthPartyId="CA_BOE" includeTaxInPrice="N"/>
    <TaxAuthorityGlAccount taxAuthGeoId="CA" taxAuthPartyId="CA_BOE" organizationPartyId="Company" glAccountId="224106"/>
    <TaxAuthorityAssoc taxAuthGeoId="USA" taxAuthPartyId="USA_IRS" toTaxAuthGeoId="CA" toTaxAuthPartyId="CA_BOE" taxAuthorityAssocTypeId="EXEMPT_INHER" fromDate="2001-05-13 00:00:00.001" thruDate=""/>
    <TaxAuthorityRateProduct taxAuthorityRateSeqId="9001" taxAuthGeoId="CA" taxAuthPartyId="CA_BOE" taxAuthorityRateTypeId="SALES_TAX" productStoreId="9000"
        productCategoryId="" titleTransferEnumId="" minItemPrice="0.00" minPurchase="0.00" taxShipping="N" taxPercentage="6.25"
        fromDate="2001-05-13 00:00:00.001" thruDate="" description="California State Sales Tax"/>

    <!-- Party TaxAuthority info for Company -->
    <PartyTaxAuthInfo partyId="Company" taxAuthGeoId="_NA_" taxAuthPartyId="_NA_" fromDate="2001-05-13 00:00:00.001" thruDate="" partyTaxId="" isExempt="" isNexus="Y"/>
    <PartyTaxAuthInfo partyId="Company" taxAuthGeoId="USA" taxAuthPartyId="USA_IRS" fromDate="2001-05-13 00:00:00.001" thruDate="" partyTaxId="12-3456789" isExempt="Y" isNexus="N"/>
    <PartyTaxAuthInfo partyId="Company" taxAuthGeoId="CA" taxAuthPartyId="CA_BOE" fromDate="2001-05-13 00:00:00.001" thruDate="" partyTaxId="" isExempt="" isNexus="Y"/>

    <!-- note that these rates are for the given Geo only and do not include local taxes (county, city) -->
    <SimpleSalesTaxLookup productStoreId="9000" countryGeoId="USA" stateProvinceGeoId="CA" taxCategory="_NA_" fromDate="2001-05-13 00:00:00.001"
        description="California State Sales Tax" minItemPrice="0.0" minPurchase="0.0" taxShipping="N" salesTaxPercentage="0.0625" taxAuthPartyId="CA_BOE" taxAuthGlAccountId="224100"/>
                                                                                                                                                                                              1,1           All

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Re: Tax Information

Tim Ruppert
In loading the demo data, I was unable to get Sales Tax information
coming out using either a Utah address or a California address.  Is
anyone else having this problem with the demo data?


Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


Tim Ruppert wrote:

> If anyone would like to contribute their TaxAuthority seed data file -
> it would be a great benefit.  I'm having trouble getting the
> DemoTaxAuthority.xml translated to do just california based taxes.
> I've added the GIAccount entries from the
> DemoGeneralChartOfAccounts.xml, but I want to add counties, etc to the
> list as well?
> I"ve attached my existing CompanyTaxAuthority.xml at the end of the
> email.
> Cheers,
> Tim
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Re: Tax Information

David E Jones-2


I'm not sure what's up... I just tried it with the OOTB code and demo  
data (the DemoCustomer account is in Utah, in fact in Orem because I  
knew a zip code off the top of my head) and it seems to be  
calculating the taxes just fine...

It might be best to step back and walk through the setup or the  
execution and see what you find... BTW, note that the  
SimpleSalesTaxLookup entity is no longer used (use the tax authority  
product rate one instead); I noticed one of those was in your file in  
your previous email.


On Aug 4, 2006, at 5:00 PM, Tim Ruppert wrote:

> In loading the demo data, I was unable to get Sales Tax information  
> coming out using either a Utah address or a California address.  Is  
> anyone else having this problem with the demo data?
> Cheers,
> Tim
> --
> Tim Ruppert
> HotWax Media
> o:801.649.6594
> f:801.649.6595
> Tim Ruppert wrote:
>> If anyone would like to contribute their TaxAuthority seed data  
>> file - it would be a great benefit.  I'm having trouble getting  
>> the DemoTaxAuthority.xml translated to do just california based  
>> taxes.
>> I've added the GIAccount entries from the  
>> DemoGeneralChartOfAccounts.xml, but I want to add counties, etc to  
>> the list as well?
>> I"ve attached my existing CompanyTaxAuthority.xml at the end of  
>> the email.
>> Cheers,
>> Tim

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Re: Tax Information

Tim Ruppert
I tried this with checkout with login both times - using a valid address
in Salt Lake City and a valid address in Monterey, CA - with no luck.  
Maybe it has something to do with the project you purchased, hmmm.

I'll give it another whirl today - thanks for taking a look.


Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


David E. Jones wrote:

> Tim,
> I'm not sure what's up... I just tried it with the OOTB code and demo
> data (the DemoCustomer account is in Utah, in fact in Orem because I
> knew a zip code off the top of my head) and it seems to be calculating
> the taxes just fine...
> It might be best to step back and walk through the setup or the
> execution and see what you find... BTW, note that the
> SimpleSalesTaxLookup entity is no longer used (use the tax authority
> product rate one instead); I noticed one of those was in your file in
> your previous email.
> -David
> On Aug 4, 2006, at 5:00 PM, Tim Ruppert wrote:
>> In loading the demo data, I was unable to get Sales Tax information
>> coming out using either a Utah address or a California address.  Is
>> anyone else having this problem with the demo data?
>> Cheers,
>> Tim
>> Tim Ruppert wrote:
>>> If anyone would like to contribute their TaxAuthority seed data file
>>> - it would be a great benefit.  I'm having trouble getting the
>>> DemoTaxAuthority.xml translated to do just california based taxes.
>>> I've added the GIAccount entries from the
>>> DemoGeneralChartOfAccounts.xml, but I want to add counties, etc to
>>> the list as well?
>>> I"ve attached my existing CompanyTaxAuthority.xml at the end of the
>>> email.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Tim
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Re: Tax Information

Tim Ruppert
I meant to say that I used checkout WITHOUT login both times - not the
demo user.  Sorry if this caused any confusion.  When I tried it with
the DemoCustomer, I too got Sales Tax computed for the order.  I'll go
back and start seeing where it got mixed up, but it's possible that this
is just not working for checkout without login.

Also, if anyone has entries that show the Tax information broken out by
county - that would be REALLY helpful with the data that I'm trying to
port.  For example, if anyone used the demo setup, but also added
individual counties or cities under Utah, California or New York, I'd
love to check that out.


Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


Tim Ruppert wrote:

> I tried this with checkout with login both times - using a valid
> address in Salt Lake City and a valid address in Monterey, CA - with
> no luck.  Maybe it has something to do with the project you purchased,
> hmmm.
> I'll give it another whirl today - thanks for taking a look.
> Cheers,
> Tim
> David E. Jones wrote:
>> Tim,
>> I'm not sure what's up... I just tried it with the OOTB code and demo
>> data (the DemoCustomer account is in Utah, in fact in Orem because I
>> knew a zip code off the top of my head) and it seems to be
>> calculating the taxes just fine...
>> It might be best to step back and walk through the setup or the
>> execution and see what you find... BTW, note that the
>> SimpleSalesTaxLookup entity is no longer used (use the tax authority
>> product rate one instead); I noticed one of those was in your file in
>> your previous email.
>> -David
>> On Aug 4, 2006, at 5:00 PM, Tim Ruppert wrote:
>>> In loading the demo data, I was unable to get Sales Tax information
>>> coming out using either a Utah address or a California address.  Is
>>> anyone else having this problem with the demo data?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Tim
>>> Tim Ruppert wrote:
>>>> If anyone would like to contribute their TaxAuthority seed data
>>>> file - it would be a great benefit.  I'm having trouble getting the
>>>> DemoTaxAuthority.xml translated to do just california based taxes.
>>>> I've added the GIAccount entries from the
>>>> DemoGeneralChartOfAccounts.xml, but I want to add counties, etc to
>>>> the list as well?
>>>> I"ve attached my existing CompanyTaxAuthority.xml at the end of the
>>>> email.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Tim
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Re: Tax Information

Jacques Le Roux

From: "Tim Ruppert" <[hidden email]>

> I meant to say that I used checkout WITHOUT login both times - not the
> demo user.  Sorry if this caused any confusion.  When I tried it with
> the DemoCustomer, I too got Sales Tax computed for the order.  I'll go
> back and start seeing where it got mixed up, but it's possible that this
> is just not working for checkout without login.

Tim, if you use checkout WITHOUT login there is no GEO defined for the user hence no taxes because taxes are defined by GEO.


> Also, if anyone has entries that show the Tax information broken out by
> county - that would be REALLY helpful with the data that I'm trying to
> port.  For example, if anyone used the demo setup, but also added
> individual counties or cities under Utah, California or New York, I'd
> love to check that out.
> Cheers,
> Tim
> --
> Tim Ruppert
> HotWax Media
> o:801.649.6594
> f:801.649.6595
> Tim Ruppert wrote:
> > I tried this with checkout with login both times - using a valid
> > address in Salt Lake City and a valid address in Monterey, CA - with
> > no luck.  Maybe it has something to do with the project you purchased,
> > hmmm.
> > I'll give it another whirl today - thanks for taking a look.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Tim
> >
> > David E. Jones wrote:
> >>
> >> Tim,
> >>
> >> I'm not sure what's up... I just tried it with the OOTB code and demo
> >> data (the DemoCustomer account is in Utah, in fact in Orem because I
> >> knew a zip code off the top of my head) and it seems to be
> >> calculating the taxes just fine...
> >>
> >> It might be best to step back and walk through the setup or the
> >> execution and see what you find... BTW, note that the
> >> SimpleSalesTaxLookup entity is no longer used (use the tax authority
> >> product rate one instead); I noticed one of those was in your file in
> >> your previous email.
> >>
> >> -David
> >>
> >>
> >> On Aug 4, 2006, at 5:00 PM, Tim Ruppert wrote:
> >>
> >>> In loading the demo data, I was unable to get Sales Tax information
> >>> coming out using either a Utah address or a California address.  Is
> >>> anyone else having this problem with the demo data?
> >>>
> >>> Cheers,
> >>> Tim
> >>>
> >>> Tim Ruppert wrote:
> >>>> If anyone would like to contribute their TaxAuthority seed data
> >>>> file - it would be a great benefit.  I'm having trouble getting the
> >>>> DemoTaxAuthority.xml translated to do just california based taxes.
> >>>> I've added the GIAccount entries from the
> >>>> DemoGeneralChartOfAccounts.xml, but I want to add counties, etc to
> >>>> the list as well?
> >>>>
> >>>> I"ve attached my existing CompanyTaxAuthority.xml at the end of the
> >>>> email.
> >>>>
> >>>> Cheers,
> >>>> Tim
> >>>>
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Re: Tax Information

Tim Ruppert
Jacques, that's a great piece of information that I had definitely
overlooked.  That seems to me to be a VERY big problem though as you
want to be able to charge taxes to anyone that orders anything - not
just people who want their information stored, correct?


Jacques Le Roux wrote:

> From: "Tim Ruppert" <[hidden email]>
>> I meant to say that I used checkout WITHOUT login both times - not the
>> demo user.  Sorry if this caused any confusion.  When I tried it with
>> the DemoCustomer, I too got Sales Tax computed for the order.  I'll go
>> back and start seeing where it got mixed up, but it's possible that this
>> is just not working for checkout without login.
> Tim, if you use checkout WITHOUT login there is no GEO defined for the user hence no taxes because taxes are defined by GEO.
> Jacques
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Re: Tax Information

Jacques Le Roux
From: "Tim Ruppert" <[hidden email]>

> Jacques, that's a great piece of information that I had definitely
> overlooked.  That seems to me to be a VERY big problem though as you
> want to be able to charge taxes to anyone that orders anything - not
> just people who want their information stored, correct?

As long as taxes are defined by the GEO where the resident lives. If you have no information about that point how may you charge
taxes ?

For example if I work on a contract in France I will have to apply taxes for my services in the invoice. But if I work on a contract
outside France no taxes are applied.

Shipping is not the way because the buyer is not necessarily the one who receive the item. But as long as they pay I think that you
are able to know where they reside, not sure how to do that in each cases though...


> Cheers,
> Tim
> Jacques Le Roux wrote:
> > From: "Tim Ruppert" <[hidden email]>
> >
> >> I meant to say that I used checkout WITHOUT login both times - not the
> >> demo user.  Sorry if this caused any confusion.  When I tried it with
> >> the DemoCustomer, I too got Sales Tax computed for the order.  I'll go
> >> back and start seeing where it got mixed up, but it's possible that this
> >> is just not working for checkout without login.
> >>
> >
> > Tim, if you use checkout WITHOUT login there is no GEO defined for the user hence no taxes because taxes are defined by GEO.
> >
> > Jacques
> >
> >

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Re: Tax Information

David E Jones-2

On Aug 5, 2006, at 11:15 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

> From: "Tim Ruppert" <[hidden email]>
>> Jacques, that's a great piece of information that I had definitely
>> overlooked.  That seems to me to be a VERY big problem though as you
>> want to be able to charge taxes to anyone that orders anything - not
>> just people who want their information stored, correct?
> As long as taxes are defined by the GEO where the resident lives.  
> If you have no information about that point how may you charge
> taxes ?
> For example if I work on a contract in France I will have to apply  
> taxes for my services in the invoice. But if I work on a contract
> outside France no taxes are applied.
> Shipping is not the way because the buyer is not necessarily the  
> one who receive the item. But as long as they pay I think that you
> are able to know where they reside, not sure how to do that in each  
> cases though...

Most jurisdictions around the world require taxes based on the  
shipping address, or on the billing address if a shipping address is  
not available or applicable (ie digital purchases and such if they  
are taxable).

In other words, I think this would really be more of a bug than  
something that inherently can't be implemented.

It sounds like OFBiz is not doing tax calculation for the "anonymous"  
checkout properly and that needs to be fixed.

Tim: could you throw an issue into Jira for this? Hopefully it will  
be a minor issue to fix and something just isn't tied in correctly.


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Re: Tax Information

Tim Ruppert
I will, I will.


Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


David E. Jones wrote:

> On Aug 5, 2006, at 11:15 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>> From: "Tim Ruppert" <[hidden email]>
>>> Jacques, that's a great piece of information that I had definitely
>>> overlooked.  That seems to me to be a VERY big problem though as you
>>> want to be able to charge taxes to anyone that orders anything - not
>>> just people who want their information stored, correct?
>> As long as taxes are defined by the GEO where the resident lives. If
>> you have no information about that point how may you charge
>> taxes ?
>> For example if I work on a contract in France I will have to apply
>> taxes for my services in the invoice. But if I work on a contract
>> outside France no taxes are applied.
>> Shipping is not the way because the buyer is not necessarily the one
>> who receive the item. But as long as they pay I think that you
>> are able to know where they reside, not sure how to do that in each
>> cases though...
> Most jurisdictions around the world require taxes based on the
> shipping address, or on the billing address if a shipping address is
> not available or applicable (ie digital purchases and such if they are
> taxable).
> In other words, I think this would really be more of a bug than
> something that inherently can't be implemented.
> It sounds like OFBiz is not doing tax calculation for the "anonymous"
> checkout properly and that needs to be fixed.
> Tim: could you throw an issue into Jira for this? Hopefully it will be
> a minor issue to fix and something just isn't tied in correctly.
> -David
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Re: Tax Information

David E Jones-2

Thanks Tim.


On Aug 5, 2006, at 12:48 PM, Tim Ruppert wrote:

> I will, I will.
> Cheers,
> Tim
> --
> Tim Ruppert
> HotWax Media
> o:801.649.6594
> f:801.649.6595
> David E. Jones wrote:
>> On Aug 5, 2006, at 11:15 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>> From: "Tim Ruppert" <[hidden email]>
>>>> Jacques, that's a great piece of information that I had definitely
>>>> overlooked.  That seems to me to be a VERY big problem though as  
>>>> you
>>>> want to be able to charge taxes to anyone that orders anything -  
>>>> not
>>>> just people who want their information stored, correct?
>>> As long as taxes are defined by the GEO where the resident lives.  
>>> If you have no information about that point how may you charge
>>> taxes ?
>>> For example if I work on a contract in France I will have to  
>>> apply taxes for my services in the invoice. But if I work on a  
>>> contract
>>> outside France no taxes are applied.
>>> Shipping is not the way because the buyer is not necessarily the  
>>> one who receive the item. But as long as they pay I think that you
>>> are able to know where they reside, not sure how to do that in  
>>> each cases though...
>> Most jurisdictions around the world require taxes based on the  
>> shipping address, or on the billing address if a shipping address  
>> is not available or applicable (ie digital purchases and such if  
>> they are taxable).
>> In other words, I think this would really be more of a bug than  
>> something that inherently can't be implemented.
>> It sounds like OFBiz is not doing tax calculation for the  
>> "anonymous" checkout properly and that needs to be fixed.
>> Tim: could you throw an issue into Jira for this? Hopefully it  
>> will be a minor issue to fix and something just isn't tied in  
>> correctly.
>> -David

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Re: Tax Information

Tim Ruppert
FYI - as I stated yesterday, I was able to get the sales tax calculation
to happen with DemoCustomer.  When I went in this morning and added
another customer that lives in Utah, it DID NOT get sales tax calculated
for it when they were logged in :(

It appears that I've got even more digging to do.


David E. Jones wrote:

> Thanks Tim.
> -David
> On Aug 5, 2006, at 12:48 PM, Tim Ruppert wrote:
>> David E. Jones wrote:
>>> On Aug 5, 2006, at 11:15 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>>> From: "Tim Ruppert" <[hidden email]>
>>>>> Jacques, that's a great piece of information that I had definitely
>>>>> overlooked.  That seems to me to be a VERY big problem though as you
>>>>> want to be able to charge taxes to anyone that orders anything - not
>>>>> just people who want their information stored, correct?
>>>> As long as taxes are defined by the GEO where the resident lives.
>>>> If you have no information about that point how may you charge
>>>> taxes ?
>>>> For example if I work on a contract in France I will have to apply
>>>> taxes for my services in the invoice. But if I work on a contract
>>>> outside France no taxes are applied.
>>>> Shipping is not the way because the buyer is not necessarily the
>>>> one who receive the item. But as long as they pay I think that you
>>>> are able to know where they reside, not sure how to do that in each
>>>> cases though...
>>> Most jurisdictions around the world require taxes based on the
>>> shipping address, or on the billing address if a shipping address is
>>> not available or applicable (ie digital purchases and such if they
>>> are taxable).
>>> In other words, I think this would really be more of a bug than
>>> something that inherently can't be implemented.
>>> It sounds like OFBiz is not doing tax calculation for the
>>> "anonymous" checkout properly and that needs to be fixed.
>>> Tim: could you throw an issue into Jira for this? Hopefully it will
>>> be a minor issue to fix and something just isn't tied in correctly.
>>> -David