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Tell me

Jame Jane
Hi chris

I am working on HSBC implementation for e-PAS to get 3-D secure.
But the problem in that if I am trying to send the XML it is not showing any error but when reading the xml its telling Prolog Content not formed.

I dont have any sample XMl regrading what should i send it to e-PAS server.
If u have any idea plz help me out

[Fatal Error] :1:1: Content is not allowed in prolog.
2008-04-18 04:40:39,218 (http- [] Service Error [clearCommerce
testAuth]: Error reading response Document from a String: Content is not allowed in prolog.

I dont have any Sample XML for e-PAS
The error which is showing above how to solve it

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RE: Tell me - 3-D Secure Implementation

Christopher L
Ok, I checked the eFunds (ClearCommerce) site, and I don't see anything that resembles a 3-D Secure API.  Further, the API used for the ofbiz payment integration, TMK, doesn't support 3-D Secure in *any* fashion.

So, the error received is meaningless as you shouldn't be using the ClearCommerce API to connect to the HSBC ePAS server.

You will basically have to write your own implementation for HSBC e-PAS, the ClearCommerce API can't be used for that.

It really shouldn't be hard, my difficulties were primarily related to the youth of the 3-D Secure specification and the old versions of the utilized draft specifications (canonicalization, xml signing, etc) which led me to have to implement my own versions of each.  As the 3-d secure spec has hopefully matured, as have the supporting technologies, it shouldn't be too hard to cobble together a working implementation from today's existing tools.


> Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 16:13:21 -0700
> From: [hidden email]
> Subject: Tell me
> To: [hidden email]
> Hi chris
> I am working on HSBC implementation for e-PAS to get 3-D secure.
> But the problem in that if I am trying to send the XML it is not showing any error but when reading the xml its telling Prolog Content not formed.
> I dont have any sample XMl regrading what should i send it to e-PAS server.
> If u have any idea plz help me out
> [Fatal Error] :1:1: Content is not allowed in prolog.
> Catch.........1
> 2008-04-18 04:40:39,218 (http- [] Service Error [clearCommerce
> testAuth]: Error reading response Document from a String: Content is not allowed in prolog.
> I dont have any Sample XML for e-PAS
> The error which is showing above how to solve it
> ---------------------------------
> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.