Hi Fernando,
Commit access is restricted to those people who have proven their
ability and dedication to project over time. What you would need to
do is create a jira issue and attach your patches to it, a committer
would then review and commit your work to the repository.
HotWax Media
http://www.hotwaxmedia.comOn 3/10/2009, at 2:55 PM, Fernando da Motta Hildebrand wrote:
> Hello, I`m translating files to Brazillian Portuguese. I already
> have access
> to svn trunk, but I would like to commit my aditions via commit. Can
> I have
> a user/pass?
> --
> Fernando da Motta Hildebrand
> IT Consultant
> Brooks' Law : "adding manpower to a late software project makes it
> later..."