A lot of progress has been made in the UI Refactoring effort, and yet there is
still much to do.
During the developers conference, Anil Patel went through a number of components
and updated their form widget XML files - by removing unnecessary attribute
assignments. Jacopo has been working on the manufacturing component.
I started working on the Webtools component and I got bogged down in converting
the JSPs to screen widgets. Joe Eckard helped out with some of the screen
conversions - thanks Joe! That component needs a lot of work, so I plan to break
it up into smaller tasks and work on them one at a time.
I posted some refactoring guidelines on the Wiki:
http://docs.ofbiz.org/display/OFBIZ/Back+Office+Applications+UI+RefactorAt this point in time the foundational work is done. Now all we need is
volunteers to help with the UI refactoring effort. Any skill level or time
committment is welcome! If anyone would like to help, just pick a component and
create a sub task in the OFBIZ-241 Jira issue
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-241). Then follow the guidelines
mentioned above. Much of the work is simple editor search-and-replace. Some of
the work requires a little knowledge of HTML - so that embedded styles can be
converted to CSS styles. In any case, the Party Manager component can be used as
an example - it has been completely refactored.
Looking to the future -
I will continue to work on the Webtools component and at the same time keep
myself available to any volunteers who need help with the refactoring. My hope
was to have this refactoring effort done before the release, but time is getting
short and it doesn't look like we'll make it.